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Edit: Someone embed this, not working for me: http://gfycat.com/MiserlyGentleEeve#?speed=0.5
Same with Pepe's stomp on Messi hand. Messi hust had an itch and asked Pepe if we could scratch his hand with his boot. And Pepe, as the good fellow he is, obeyed.
Edit: Someone embed this, not working for me: http://gfycat.com/MiserlyGentleEeve#?speed=0.5
It's ridiculous how biased you are. Carvajal should be banned for slapping Mandzo's left and right tit? You're embarrassing yourself, Mandzukic was pulling him around be the kit and Carvajal just shook him off. Idk what's funnier,the way he dove or the way you guys are reacting like you're blind.
True true.
And let's not forget Mandzukic's vicious attack with forehead and blood to the poor elbow of Sergio Ramos. Could have seriously injured angelic Ramos with those brutal weapons.
Pepe is a fairplay legend. Remember when that Getafe player swallowed up his chewing gum by accident, couldnt breath and Pepe safed his life?
He bites, he punches and gets nothing. Suarez bites and gets banned for months.
I believe that what MaXy meant is that Mandzukic was holding Carvajal back (by the collar) and that Carvajal, frustrated, lashed out. It was a weird punch/slap.
Still, it should have been a red card.