David Luiz


Senior Member
Luiz was one of my favorite defenders along with Thiago Silva and Kompany. I really hoped Barcelona would sign him before someone else did. Sad that we spent 22mil on Chygrynsky and Chelsea can get a player twice as good for 20mil + an offloaded player.


Luiz was one of my favorite defenders along with Thiago Silva and Kompany. I really hoped Barcelona would sign him before someone else did. Sad that we spent 22mil on Chygrynsky and Chelsea can get a player twice as good for 20mil + an offloaded player.

Says a lot about our transfer policy.


Bomb Dropper
Says a lot about our transfer policy.

Chygrynskiy was a PROJECT. he was a good young player who was happy not starting all the time.

why would we sign a First XI defender as good as David Luiz when we have Piqué and Puyol?

you people play way too much Football Manager.


Senior Member
Chygrynskiy was a PROJECT. he was a good young player who was happy not starting all the time.

why would we sign a First XI defender as good as David Luiz when we have Piqué and Puyol?

you people play way too much Football Manager.

A 22 million dollar project eh....a bit expensive for a project isn't it..? I'm sure there were other projects we could of bought for much cheaper- one that didn't play in the UKRAINE league and wasn't slow as shit. Don't see how he was ever going to manage the pacey strikers in La Liga- He couldn't even handle Diego Capel :rofl1:

Second- I don't know what Football Manager is. So, nah.

Third- Puyol was a beast 2 seasons ago in our treble winning season but he was "ok" last year and this season. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have noticed a significant decline in his pace, not that he was ever that fast to begin with. Puyol is turning 33 in April, David Luiz is turning 24. We lost Marquez and Chygrynsky this season and Milito is injury prone, already 30, not worthy of being our starter and has shown that he is obviously not happy being a reserve.

Abidal has been our best CB this season by far and he's a left back....and I say that without a ounce of humor in my body. He has been SENSATIONAL and hands down our best defender this season. Overall, my point is Puyol is past his best and although I love him he will need to be replaced, or the least, have reduced playing time very soon. I would of been happy bringing in David Luiz and integrating him into the first team while sharing time with Puyol this season and some of the next with Puyol eventually being our rotation/reserve CB.

But if we do it your way I guess we can plan to replace Puyol 1 measely season later- 1 season after much of the best young, proven defensive talents have gone to other clubs. Fontas better be a keeper, and I don't mean a goalie.
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