David Villa


Senior Member
Does our management have a personal vendetta against Villa or sth. Cant see why Pedro keep on playing while remain shiet for most of the time, and dont even bother to bring the work rate, the defensive hustle , the off the ball movement into the picture.


I only hope, only pray, This man somehow decides to stay with us and we F*CKING STOP treating him like he is an old man on a wheelchair. truth is in any other team he would be the jewel of the crown and we are simply depriving ourselves from his talent and sharp eye for goal.

Hell yes. Fuck goals, possession's where the business is at! :tito:

yeah and we werent even great with possession

Bilal Khan

Tito > Mou
I loved how the camp nou was chanting his name..
that might work as a kick in the ass to the management, to start using villa as they should..


New member
If we sell Villa in the summer, which is looking 99.99% likely, it really would be the absolutely dumbest thing a club has ever done.

Why on earth is Villa not a guaranteed starter!? It's really beyond me...

I don't think the Barcelona era is over, though it definitely needs a big shake-up for us to stay on top, but if Villa is sold and Neymar bought in the summer then it really is over 100%.


ze special one
If we sell Villa in the summer, which is looking 99.99% likely, it really would be the absolutely dumbest thing a club has ever done.

Why on earth is Villa not a guaranteed starter!? It's really beyond me...

I don't think the Barcelona era is over, though it definitely needs a big shake-up for us to stay on top, but if Villa is sold and Neymar bought in the summer then it really is over 100%.

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ze special one
This. But the Camp Nou crowd has been chanting his name for some time now. Hopefully after this match they will listen.

your face when saturday we play i-m-p again:


New member
Messi in the middle.Villa/Tello on the left and a new attacker Aguero/ most likely Neymar on the right.

Sanchez isn't up to it and I hate to say it but Pedro is going downhill. I'd like to see him kept as a backup for a new forward on the right.

In reality though Villa will be sold too so maybe we should put faith in Tello on the left.

Anyways I think Villa will start on the weekend. I hope we get a good result and the management drops this Iniesta up front experiment.


Senior Member
Anyways I think Villa will start on the weekend. I hope we get a good result and the management drops this Iniesta up front experiment.

Agreed. We need to adjust the front 3 for the game this Saturday. Start Villa, Messi and Tello up front. Move Andres back to midfield with Xavi and Biscuits.


New member
Not even close to being as dumb as swapping Eto'o+40M for Ibracadabra!

Neymar would cost 50m+ so in effect we would be getting rid of Villa and then adding AT LEAST 40M for Neymar so yeah it would actually be even dumber (I thought that wasn't possible but hey, the Barca management can find a way ;-) ).

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