David Villa


New member
In the first image, Alba knows where Villa is the whole time. I remember this play, and Villa actually "tells Messi" to give the ball to Alba first by looking at Messi and pointing Alba with his left arm, this way he would be able to start running to get the assist from Alba. He could have ended up alone and scored easily. However, Alba decided to pass the ball to Messi, who was in a worse position, but who also ends up alone because everyone follows Villa.

In the second image, this is a normal play from a 9. Villa had already won the position in the whole play, he just had to get the assist from Messi and touch the ball a bit to deflect it and score. The distance is short, so the chances that it ends up in goal are very high, even the defender could have scored it.

In the third image, this is another normal play from a 9. I've downloaded the whole match, and Villa was on position the whole play (you can see it with another camera view). He's good with both feet, so he just had to get closer to the ball and shoot it and with that distance he had enough time to prepare a strong shot, making it nearly impossible for the goalkeeper to block it. However, Messi, once again who is in a worse position, gets the ball. Once again, he's alone, because 4 defenders follow Villa (not Pedro, he joins later). Messi was too far as well, the only reason why Messi scored is because his aiming was great, perfect to be honest. He could have failed it realllly easily.

In the fourth image, it's clear that Villa has the best position, he just had to get the assist from Alba, and he would have had enough time to control it and shot, and he also had a big space between the 2 defenders. However, once again, he doesn't get the ball...

In the fifth image, Messi has like 5 defenders on him, and yet he's the one that "gets" the ball from Pedro (he doesn't, the defense ends up stealing it, obviously!). Pedro could have passed it to Villa instead, who was pretty much alone, and since Villa is good with his left foot (4 goals out of 6 with it this season), he could have shot it as soon as he got the ball close to him. Enough distance to prepare a strong shot, which could have ended in goal.

In the last image, Iniesta has to decide between Villa & Messi, and of course, Messi is the one who gets the ball once again, and does nothing with it. Villa, in other hand, would have ended up alone because he was already running to the center, unlike Messi, who wasn't even running - he was walking to the right to get a bigger space from the defender that was next to him.

jtmx, I acknowledge you have some tactical awareness, but you are over analyzing these plays. There are other factors involved, such as the club getting acclimated to Villa's presence after a complete season without him. Messi DID take a very prioritized role in the attack because he was the only one in consistent form last season.

In Villa's first season at Barca, he linked up brilliantly with Messi and Pedro time and time again. As the team re-adjusts to having one of its best players healthy again, we will start to see better play which involves Villa.

Besides, most of these examples you give would be written off; Players can't always make the correct decision in the final 3rd 100% of the time. In one of those freeze frames, Pique is actually in a better position at goal than Villa. Some people underestimate the advantage of the commentary box view we get on TV, even when they are aware of it.


Mike the Knife
I'm beginning to see problems with the attack, not necessarily the personality issues some would love to focus on...Villa has been ignored, I don't think there's any doubt about that...I saw that with Alexis too although one could argue he isn't the goalscorer David is to complain at not being targeted but the issue is similar...Messi is the GOAT but there has to be better balance



If they don't see Villa, that's because they don't try to find him, they try to find Messi instead. As for the "It's impossible & absurd to get better only because he's getting older", that's just the most stupid comment I've every seen. His aiming is way better than before, and as he gets more chances to score you will see that. Clearly his accuracy isn't as high as 63%, but it isn't as low as 15% this season either. Your aiming, and how to position yourself in the pitch, has nothing to do with age, if anything, that's the main thing he will keep as he gets older. That's why he will keep scoring as long as he wants.

Perhaps, those chances will come with another team as well, who knows. Pedro will stay, clearly, because he was born in Barca. However, Villa doesn't need to stay, because he isn't a player from La Masia and he knows he will never be treated like one of them, and because he already won all the titles available in Spain. Traveling to another country to experience another kind of football, get a chance to win new different titles, and get a main role ( not a secondary one where you have to worry about Messi every time ) is (IMO) better for him than saying. Remember, Villa doesn't own anything to Barca so he will do what's best for him, not for Barca. We've seen what Barca does to those players that can't stand to stay in the shadow of Messi, they get kicked. We'll see if Villa still likes that role at the end of the season (or in the next transfer window). I've seen news where Chelsea are looking to get another striker right now, to stay in the top and fight for the Premier League, and that's why they are thinking on Villa, an experienced player, a "killer" that always deliver goals. Another reason is that Villa has played with Torres with Spain, and they made a great combo, and Villa had a great partnership playing with Mata in Valencia as well.
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New member
Villa might have to find some other team when Neymar comes to Barca next season or the one afterwards. Assuming he will be 32 by that time.

Messi will stay.
Pedro is a La Masia kid so he'll stay.
Alexis might be even less productive than Villa but he is young and has many years to come.
Neymar will have to play cause you don't bench a 40 million euro player.
Tello and Cuenca will have another season or two to prove themselves, might as well both leave ie Bojan and Jeffren.


New member
Why not keeping Villa and using him as a super sub striker (plan b) when things gets complicated, aka: Larsson many times when Rijkaard used the 3-3-1-3.


Villa not starting... That means conspiracy is starting...

No, it just means that in a game he's completely ignored, and in the next one he's benched. That's what you get when you are not a player from La Masia.

Why not keeping Villa and using him as a super sub striker (plan b) when things gets complicated, aka: Larsson many times when Rijkaard used the 3-3-1-3.

Because clearly Villa is not going to accept a worse role than the one he has now.

Me55i D105

New member
Villa should be thankful, he is still in the team even after a year of being out. And seeing as how severe the injury was they don't want to take risks which might cost him another year. He should be happy people care for him and want what's best for him in the long run. If he can guarantee he won't get injured again sure let him play, but since no one can do that he will have to put out with this for now until he is 100%.


New member
The medical team's and Tito's leadership and intelligence is the sole reason why Villa is back, and arguably playing even better than before. We should think twice before questioning their judgement.

King Leo

It was in Barca's interest to look after Villa's health and fitness and that's not due to "leadership and intelligence" as stated rather because the club wants to put him for sale in the summer and who knows could be sooner. I feel really sad for the man as he's a legend and should be treated as such but also understand that it's a done deal and everyone should move on with it. The sooner he's gone the better for Villa. He deserves better.

Even more sad is to see Neymar bought for millions to show off his Nike outfit.

Javier Faus, financial vice president, says OK to the operation
“It would be an awesome marketing strategy”, given the player’s huge popularity
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New member
Why is everyone talking about selling Villa like it's a done deal? This is getting ridiculous...


New member
Or possibly he didn't play because tactically he wasn't what was needed? Can we drop all these conspiracies about Villa for Christ's sake. Not playing him cause he's not from La Masia... come on man. Everyone loves Villa and is aware of how awesome he is. He just came back from a year-long broken bone injury. Not every striker is suited for every game and every strategy. Obviously our line up today was exactly what was needed.

Lets let all the drama rest for once. Villa is great, Barca values him very much, even if he's not playing every game at the moment. I guarantee Villa cares more for the well being of the team as a whole and his long term health than not getting some passes or not getting 100% playing time right after coming off of a long term injury.


David Villa is leaving!

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:lol: he's running to Turin, he may arrive in January if he doesnt get injured

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