Defender for next season?

You may wanna go check who Valencia and Bilbao met in the EL last season.

Ok,it's your right to believe that english give a fuck for EL and fight for it desperately and with atmoast determination...I know they don't care 4 it,they let Sahtar/Zenit/Bilbao fight 4 it...Fuhlam was the only club desperate to win it...Ferguson resent EL,trust me if you want,if not-ok:)


I am missunderstood here.I know we won all that matches in the past.That's exactly my point-we use to win easily,Real was easy meat,nobody could read or block our game.It is past tense!2006,you say?I'n talking now,2012!
Now we struggle to defeat Betis,Sevilla blocked our game,Chelsea stopped us...Hate me as much as you want,truth is pain 4 for me 2,but fact is:
Valdes isn't what he was.And Puyol 2.And Pique,etc.
Others are getting stronger,better,evolving.
Real couldn't get any trophy.Then last year he won Copa,
And then,this year,Real won Primera.
What is next?
See me as AntiBarca if you like,but this is fact(and it hurts me maybe more then you,that's why I'm trying to shake us)-everybody is evolving,improving.And what do we do?We say:let's not change.All is perfect.Ok.
P.S. We all love Barca and wish her the best,so let's not mock eachother and give together all our energy and passion to thie magnificant institution:worthy::barca scarf::worthy:
Who said all is perfect? The thing you seem to fail to understand is that it's impossible to win it all, all the time. Even harder is to dominate like Barça did these past years. A lot of people seem to take it all for granted. If you jumped on the bandwagon recently, you probably doesn't know Barça has gone a long time without one single trophy, not that long ago. Valdes is what he was the past years, he didn't got worse, on the contrary. Pique had a dip in form, but he's coming back to his best, and he's young.

Barça won't go on a shopping spree for players. You're supporting the wrong team if you're expecting that. Chelsea winning is one of those things that sadly happens. Barça played better, lost tons of chances, and a penalty at home. We don't need another gk. We proably need a cb, but Bartra also needs a chance to play and grow. And we certainly don't need Gerrard or Boateng to be a backup dm... When they don't even play in that position.


New member
AntiRealMadrid I mean to say this in the nicest possible way and I don't mean to offend but are you relatively new to following Barca? Not that there is anything wrong with that, I'm only in my 5th year following Barca myself so there are plenty of people more veteran than me here. But it just seems like you don't quite get how our club operates... we prefer to promote from within and turn our youngsters into world class players, hence why Bartra is getting a chance. We should only buy when it will have a major impact on our team if we do and we have to make sure it's someone who understands and fits in with the Barca philosophy (which is why buying Ibra for example was such a mistake, he did NOT fit in at all). Everybody in the team has to subscribe to the Barca way, yes even goalkeepers and especially defenders.

I'd rather keep turning to homegrown talent first and only buying if there is a lack of someone good enough and ready enough in La Masia at the time. Not saying we should never spend, or settle for someone not very good just for the sake of promoting our own, but there is honestly very little difference (if any) between Valdes and Hart/Neuer that I can't see how signing one of them and pushing Valdes out will make us better, not at this time anyway. I could see us signing another CB as cover in case Puyol gets injured and Bartra ends up not working out, but in that case it should be someone solid but cheap, no Martinez or Hummels (even though I like Hummels) or anyone who would cost 30m+. DM as well, same story.

For example we bought Jordi Alba because we absolutely needed a LB with Abidal now out of commission, and he's a fairly safe gamble since he's both a La Masia product and has experience with some of our players with the national team. So him fitting in should not be much of a problem. He also didn't cost too much considering the current market.


New member
I really try my best but can't understand this 'he's good on the ball,great passer' story...I have no intention to offend anyone,God forbid,but...good on the ball?He is a GOALKEEPER,people.He does a few passes in the game,gives the ball to Puyol and that's it.Now,what do we have of that?HE PASSED PERFECTLY TO PUYOL AND PIQUE 10 TIMES in some game.So what?Very important!What that brought to us?You talk of it like he's MF makin' chances for a goal or something.
Hart would't reseive third of Valdes goals and that would bring us some trophy.Passes I forget in 2 minutes.Trophys last forever

You've missed the point completely.

Barca's entire strategy is based on keeping possession and passing the ball out of defence. Having Valdes in goal is vital because he is so comfortable on the ball, but more importantly he is comfortable under pressure. Any goalkeeper can pass out to the central defenders when there's no pressure on either but when put under pressure most will resort to kicking the ball long. Valdes is so composed under pressure that he can almost always pass the bal short into defence but when he's forced to kick long it is an acurate, controlled pass to the flank, usually to Dani Alves.

More importantly, because Valdes is so comfortable on the ball it gives the defence huge confidence to pass back to him. This means that when a defender in possession is under pressure they always have the option to pass back to Valdes, safe in the knowledge that he will be able to accurately recycle possession, rather than the defender having to clear the ball long upfield. This makes it much easier for the defence to retain possession and is of huge benefit to the team's overall ability to retain possession.
Well,you're all probbably right...I allowed seed of fear that was planted in my heart 2010 in semis vs Inter to,after several matches in which we were similary impotent,grow to untolerabble dimensions...I became black raven(in Balkans,person that expects worst outcome and spreads defetism):( I presented lack of faith in some players...:( shamefull.Understand me,I just saw us loosing dominance and others growing stronger beyond my worst nightmares...and when you see something preciouss to you threathened by rapidly arming foe,you go and buy biggest gun buyable-that was my logic...Forgive me,brothers!I will display more faith and optimism in future!Sweet dreams to all:wave::barca scarf:

Puyol the wall

ahh what can you do Allas there everywhere, just enjoy the select few & ignore the rest which is what i do, being a Barcelona fan like yourself this board is guarenteed to bring you glory hunters/fanboys but what can you do? it's like it everywhere you go.
Are you a Barca fan Josh?


New member
Well,you're all probbably right...I allowed seed of fear that was planted in my heart 2010 in semis vs Inter to,after several matches in which we were similary impotent,grow to untolerabble dimensions...I became black raven(in Balkans,person that expects worst outcome and spreads defetism):( I presented lack of faith in some players...:( shamefull.Understand me,I just saw us loosing dominance and others growing stronger beyond my worst nightmares...and when you see something preciouss to you threathened by rapidly arming foe,you go and buy biggest gun buyable-that was my logic...Forgive me,brothers!I will display more faith and optimism in future!Sweet dreams to all:wave::barca scarf:

eh, it just means they (Inter, Chelsea, whoever else) figured out how to stop us going forward - by playing ultra defensive. And all THAT means is that we have to find a way to counteract that... which doesn't necessarily involve spending loads of money and replacing players, but learning to adapt just like those teams learned to adapt to beat us.

Puyol the wall

I really try my best but can't understand this 'he's good on the ball,great passer' story...I have no intention to offend anyone,God forbid,but...good on the ball?He is a GOALKEEPER,people.He does a few passes in the game,gives the ball to Puyol and that's it.Now,what do we have of that?HE PASSED PERFECTLY TO PUYOL AND PIQUE 10 TIMES in some game.So what?Very important!What that brought to us?You talk of it like he's MF makin' chances for a goal or something.
Hart would't reseive third of Valdes goals and that would bring us some trophy.Passes I forget in 2 minutes.Trophys last forever

Valdes is a really bad GK isn't he,if Hart was our GK now we would have won La Liga and the CL right stupid Valdes cost us everything when we won the treble in 2009 Valdes didn't have anything to do because the great Man Utd and other teams we faced were awful against us right.

He got zamora?He got statistics?
This the statistisc:we received 29 goals-same as City.But they play in 2 times harder league then ours!At least 5 teams fight for trophy in Premier,in Primer only 2!Eccept us and Real,there is no serious team in Primera,man! in our league won 61 points and in Premier won 64!And that team is Champion of europe! from our league had 17 victories, in PL 18!
Our league is a joke,it's ridicoulus how weak teams play in Primera.Even 2.class PL teams like Everton,Newcastle,Stoke would trash enybody in our league eccept of us and Real!Granada gave us 3 pieces!We couldn't beat Betis!
Imagine we played in Premier insted of City and play against United,Chelsea,Liverpool,Tottenham,Newcastle,Stoke,Arsenal etc.
Granada loaded us with 3 easy pieces,man!!!
Who will win next Premier?No one knows.
And Primera?We or Real.Nobody else doesn't stand ANY chace

wtf have you even watched Barcelona matches you guys sicken me,like the Leo fanboys who just don't care about the team only thing they want is for Leo to break records.

and :lol: at the people who compare EPL and La Liga.

did you even watch the CL chelsea were awful its similar to Porto winning the CL in 2004 where there were plenty of teams better than them.

as much as the other teams in the PL stand a chance against the top teams but lower teams in La Liga don't its mostly because of how good we and Real are and if we play in the PL we would dominate there too but you'll never be able to see Messi regularly because he'll be in the treatment table cause of a broken leg.

how did chelsea and man city become top clubs? rich owners took over and spent millions so if the same had happened in La Liga for clubs then you would be talking about La Liga not the PL as it stands we've got pride we use the money we earned or at least money we got on loan to buy players not some rich guy pouring his money in and overnight making teams much better.

I don't even know why I am responding to guys like you its the same situation from the Neymar thread and his fanboys.

Ok,it's your right to believe that english give a fuck for EL and fight for it desperately and with atmoast determination...I know they don't care 4 it,they let Sahtar/Zenit/Bilbao fight 4 it...Fuhlam was the only club desperate to win it...Ferguson resent EL,trust me if you want,if not-ok:)


No,PSG/Chelsea/City etc bought the whole team.That's different,they had to fit the whole team into something.I don't think 2 players would dissrupt 'the family' just like that.I can't see why Kompany wouldn't 'fit' in our team.'Fitting' is more important for MFs and FWs,CB just have to be quality player who will do the yob he's assigned to.How many excuse,just to keep the money and not buy...
I'm not calling for waisting money,people,just for necessary peaces of puzzle we need!
Bartra to stop Ronaldo/Silva/Aguero/Rooney etc?:(

from this I can see that you are using Fifa logic if you had watched the PL for the last few years you'll understand how important a CB is to a team just ask Fergie about it.
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New member
Everybody in the team has to subscribe to the Barca way, yes even goalkeepers and especially defenders.

there is honestly very little difference (if any) between Valdes and Hart/Neuer

I agree with the first statement i quoted, we can't have this philosophy with Xaviesta controlling the game, then have the centre-back to hoof it long when he gets the ball - in England they call it no nonsense, I call it non-football. That's why, for us, defensive strong midfielders do such a good job in CB.

As for the second, Joe Hart is one of the world's best, and I really don't consider the other 2 to be on that level. Neuer had one world class season and that was with Schalke, then he was an out and out flop for Bayern to anyone who watches the Bundesliga (some blame the fans for booing him upon arrival, but at the end of the day he should be pushing through that). If i look throughout our first 11, Valdes is the weakest link in my opinion, with this season being his worst in a while. Big games like he had vs Chelsea, Milan aren't REALLY outweighed by games he had vs Espanyol and Madrid. He's above average, despite him frustrating me to no end this season at points, but if we could have a straight swap with Iker/Hart/Ter Stegen even, i'd do it.

Puyol the wall


watch this video he is what the title says he is who cares about Busquets this guy is not rated among the cules
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