Douglas Costa

El Flaco

Active member
Its foolish to say stuff like that, when you have the ball, you can essentially do what you want with it. There are boundries though, teamplay and stuff. If you can pass it to a better positioned teammate, you usually pass it, if you see a good opportunity for a cross, you usually cross it. But i take it that Barca was in a comfortable lead when it happened.
Iraola doesn't really have the right to speak about unsportsmanlike, especially when he and co surrounded Neymar and co actually tried to slap the Brazilian and were going attack him if the rest of Barca-players never made an effort to protect Neymar. As for Lucho, he should've defend Neymar in front of public. Why even lash out such words against your own player?


According to Sport1, Robben did say something to the effect of such a trick is controversial and they need to respect their opponent after 3:0...
Thank you.

The Dutch shouldn't talk about unsportsmanlike, does he respect against the opposing teams when he dives?
Your assumption is based on absolutely nothing.

[MENTION=15376]DonAK[/MENTION] actually has a fair point. As an example, did you heard such a reaction from Iraola in the press when Ronaldinho (hailed as the most entertaining player in the past) humaliated him and other Athletic players when the result was already 3-0 to Barca?


Dinho also made this in the same game, although I don't know what the result was.


Why didn't they attack Dinho in the same way they did against Neymar?

As [MENTION=15376]DonAK[/MENTION] already said, I think people just have a different view from player to player since the problem obviously isn't the skill itself.
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New member
I still don't understamd why this one move in particular is considered disrespectful, whilst other flicks over the opponent or nutmegs are seen as perfectly fine.
If you cannot get out of a situation differently then why the heck shouldn't you try everything you can to do so?


New member
even the ballotelli back heel goal wasn't disrespectful. Which lead to his substitution. Its sports, why doesn't it matters how you do it. Even if someone makes it looks charming, then let be like it. Since when does we have atticates in playing football ?

If anything in sports was disrespectful, that would be a dunk in basketball, thats more like, in your face, take this. If fooling on the pitch, and beating players on the pitch with sheer talent was disrespectful, Kobe brayant and micheal jordan wouldn't have been legends. Same goes for dinho in football.

If anything, closest to disrespectful in football is: thats messi beating 6-7 players and then scoring the goal. Sometimes nugmanging through half defense, that most unfair thing in football.
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Senior Member
If people have problems with Neymar doing the the same, they should have a problem with Costa doing that. Otherwise they are just hypocrites.

I'd say it's in the attitude perceived behind the action. With the Neymar incident, it was "look at me playing with you." It was the trick for the sake of the trick, basically one-upmanship to give the opponent the finger. With Costa (and the Ronaldinho clips), the intent looks to be to actually be to get the ball past the player, the trick for the sake of advancing play. One is shit-talking, the other isn't.


President of FC Barcelona
Or in the other words:

'I'm gonna try to downplay and make whatever Neymar do look like shit because he benched my favourite player'

Had Neymar executed it better, he would've been in a great position to advance towards the goal and deliver a pass for another goal so certainly not a trick for the sake of it.
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Wild Man of Borneo
I'd say the connotation of a rainbow flick is the same for Costa as it is for Neymar. To me, this proves it's the trick itself that leads to the reaction. Unlike Neymar, Costa has only just broken onto the big stage and doesn't have a bad rep built up like Neymar did with his publicity, diving, and all that. Yet still, when he attempted that trick he got called out for it publicly. Costa didn't get fouled and fought for it but that's very likely due to the circumstances of the match (Neymar did it in a heated cup final against a passionate/tempered Athletic side).

You can't really compare Ronaldinho's flair and sombreros to a rainbow flick. Messi, Ronaldo, and even Neymar himself have all done spontaneous sombreros without ever provoking a bad reaction. A rainbow flick is much more deliberate and considered to be an effort to insult/make a fool out of opponents rather than just beat them.

A scenario where Neymar was indeed targeted for being Neymar was when he megged Juanfran and got shit for it.


President of FC Barcelona
Hardly been any negative reactions against Costa. On the contrary people, the media have been drooling over his rainbow flick.


Wild Man of Borneo
Hardly been any negative reactions against Costa. On the contrary people, the media have been drooling over his rainbow flick.

Professionally speaking. If it's true that Robben and Pep have discouraged it (I haven't seen their quotes but I'll believe it for the sake of the argument) then it parallels to Lucho and Xavi discouraging Neymar from it. It shows that, on a professional level, it's often considered offensive.


Senior Member
Or in the other words:

'I'm gonna try to downplay and make whatever Neymar do look like shit because he benched my favourite player'

Had Neymar executed it better, he would've been in a great position to advance towards the goal and deliver a pass for another goal so certainly not a trick for the sake of it.

Nah. Again, it's intent. Look at Costa's fight for the first goal, muscling for the ball, and look at him trying to win the rainbow. It's the identical tenacity, a singlemindedness to get goalside. With Neymar: how can I show this guy I own his ass? Sure, it could work, but that's not the primary reason Neymar does it.
(*and to be honest, he does the same most of the time he gets the ball. He's a moment to moment player, and has no clue what he's going to do next, no tactical vision of his teammates and space. It's just about beating the first player, and then see what happens. That's why most of his successful dribbles fail to result in any outcome for the team)


6racies Xavi
Nah. Again, it's intent. Look at Costa's fight for the first goal, muscling for the ball, and look at him trying to win the rainbow. It's the identical tenacity, a singlemindedness to get goalside. With Neymar: how can I show this guy I own his ass? Sure, it could work, but that's not the primary reason Neymar does it.
(*and to be honest, he does the same most of the time he gets the ball. He's a moment to moment player, and has no clue what he's going to do next, no tactical vision of his teammates and space. It's just about beating the first player, and then see what happens. That's why most of his successful dribbles fail to result in any outcome for the team)

Too much salt can raise your blood pressure.


Senior Member
I think its quite a stupid thing to forbid your player doing that. You are actually influencing him there.
Costa is absolutely hyped at the moment, not only at Bayern , everyone at Europe has finally got that there is somehow an amazing new kid in town. But Costa thrives in that hype. He does skills, he gets huge pops from the crowd there that boosts his confidence and then he plays amazing somehow.
Telling him now "you cant do that or that" is quite of a counter reaction, Costa might stop performing so many skills now, causing the whole chainreaction that i explained a sentence earlier not to happen and then Costa's confidence from the first games, goes lost.
I feel like he kinda needs this extra stuff, these skills, the hype and the crowd reactions to his Beach-play, to become confident and play amazing. People want to see an explosive new signing, not someone who gets signed and only makes safety passes just to not stand out negatively during matchday.
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