Douglas Costa


Culé de Celestial Empire
I think its quite a stupid thing to forbid your player doing that. You are actually influencing him there.
Costa is absolutely hyped at the moment, not only at Bayern , everyone at Europe has finally got that there is somehow an amazing new kid in town. But Costa thrives in that hype. He does skills, he gets huge pops from the crowd there that boosts his confidence and then he plays amazing somehow.
Telling him now "you cant do that or that" is quite of a counter reaction, Costa might stop performing so many skills now, causing the whole chainreaction that i explained a sentence earlier not to happen and then Costa's confidence from the first games, goes lost.
I feel like he kinda needs this extra stuff, these skills, the hype and the crowd reactions to his Beach-play, to become confident and play amazing. People want to see an explosive new signing, not someone who gets signed and only makes safety passes just to not stand out negatively during matchday.

Even though I don't consider such tricks disrespectful, I wouldn't go that far as saying forbidding to do these tricks would affect one's confidence.

Costa is definitely hyped right now, I have even read people saying that he is the No.2 star in the Brazil NT and he is the best winger in the world in the last couple of days. :lol:


I don't think the rainbow flick is an impressive move anyway. Perhaps it if it perfectly executed.

It looks sloppy and not particularly useful most of the time.


Senior Member
I do see a difference between effective skilling and attempted humiliations and yes, Neymar occasionally tends to do the first. He sometimes just stands there with the ball eye-to-eye with a defender and creates some sort of showdown including stare-off contests before absolutely humiliating someone even if he could ahve done that in an easier way judging by his 1on1 qualities.


But Costa here in that situation, he is kinda surrounded by defending players on the wing. To his left: the opponent. To his right: the sideline. He goes straight forward and the rainbow seems to be a quite usefull rather than unnecessary skillmove to go there. I do usually see rainbowflicks as amazing and underused skills, not too hard to pull off actually, but absolutely unexpected and often efective if correctly pulled off. And Costa has so far performed an incredible skillset, but none of them has ever included stare-offs, standing step overs, leg shaking, Rabona-stops/passes or other sort of footwork with the only purpose to humiliate someone. The situations that Costa has been in have always somehow justified to do skillmoves because they helped.


if you look at Brandt there, he does a step to the left, to close the space between him and the sideline. Even with an impressive ground-footwork á la Dinho, R9, Messi etc. its very unlikely to go through there while holding the ball to the ground, because there is absolutely no space. But Costa's rainbow looked like the absolute best thing he could do, Brandt wasnt even close to defending that.
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Senior Member
Yeah, I have no problem with players trying whatever they want *to help the team*. If a coach feels something is counterproductive, they should bring it up in practice, just like any other aspect of play.


Professor Balthazar
I'd say the connotation of a rainbow flick is the same for Costa as it is for Neymar. To me, this proves it's the trick itself that leads to the reaction. Unlike Neymar, Costa has only just broken onto the big stage and doesn't have a bad rep built up like Neymar did with his publicity, diving, and all that. Yet still, when he attempted that trick he got called out for it publicly. Costa didn't get fouled and fought for it but that's very likely due to the circumstances of the match (Neymar did it in a heated cup final against a passionate/tempered Athletic side).

You can't really compare Ronaldinho's flair and sombreros to a rainbow flick. Messi, Ronaldo, and even Neymar himself have all done spontaneous sombreros without ever provoking a bad reaction. A rainbow flick is much more deliberate and considered to be an effort to insult/make a fool out of opponents rather than just beat them.

A scenario where Neymar was indeed targeted for being Neymar was when he megged Juanfran and got shit for it.

How a rainbow flick or whatever could be considered as an insult compared to kicking the hell out of somebody (a treatment that our players often get unfortunately) is beyond me. Before it was every freaking time we played RM, than Athletic and Atletico, and sometimes Sevilla or Chelski.
First we hype the great teams for their entertainment and superb individualist's over the "let's just clear that ball 50m up into the stands to be on the safe side because I'm the last defender and that forward was like 10m from me", than some stupid f*ck (like Juanfran) get angry because he sucks and gets nutmegged - great freaking logic indeed.


New member
I don't see anything wrong with a rainbow flick, I actually think it's an underrated skill. When afforded space it can be excellent if you pull it off like Cristiano against Pique. Stuff like rabonas "belong in the circus" because they don't serve a purpose except for showboating and you didn't see Di Maria get crucified by the media when he did it.
And :lol: at that Robben comment, what a top notch cunt that guy is, having the nerve to say things like that after he dives almost every game, not to mention in the very same game against Bayer.


New member
Only Robben said something. Pep actually supported him n the ESPN article I read. Also, he isn't getting really getting heat for it like Neymar did because Neymar isn't a very likable player.


Active member
A sick world we love in.Whatever done with the feet and ball should be correct.End of.If I was a ref I would yellow card idiots who fight after getting rainbowed coz it was offensive.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
If somebody said to me don't do that trick again it's disrespectful, I'd do it ten times the next game

phaggots, what's football coming too :shakeshead:

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