Douglas Pereira dos Santos


He might actually become a decent player. His quality is very bad but his style of football is very good and could fit barca very well. Maybe i am too naive to think he can act as backup next season if alves leaves. But we don't have a choice, we have to trust him or we could move bartra or pedro to RB.


He might actually become a decent player. His quality is very bad but his style of football is very good and could fit barca very well. Maybe i am too naive to think he can act as backup next season if alves leaves. But we don't have a choice, we have to trust him or we could move bartra or pedro to RB.

We have a B team with multiple players much better than him at RB. Even Patric and Bagnack would be better RBs for us.


Professor Balthazar
That game against the third division team in Copa, don't remember the team right know, really left a bitter taste in my mouth. He looked like a total amateur overtime he was involved with the ball. I feel sorry for him, a little at least, football-wise. Maybe he just had his worst display mixed with a lot of nerves and just started to act really stupid. Maybe, and probably, he has just a little bit more to show for - not I expect he could even become backup for the RB, but just give him some minutes when we're 2-3 goals up.


World Champion
If Barca win La Liga this season we can brag that Douglas has the same amount of La Liga titles in 1 season as Cristiano in 6.

What if Zubi signed him solely for the #bantz?




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