lol well your opinion is yours!
Well at least Dzeko score with club & country with the same consistency , Ibra don't do that's clear as a daylight
His first CL experience and he score in Man United promising to be as lethal as he was in the German league
his teammates are somewhat different for country, no? ibra plays with, a few players apart, very average talents. dzeko is part of an exceptional forward line.
makes the world of difference to a striker. and ibra still has a 1 in 3 ratio anyway.
zlatan scores in the groups, man, that's never been an issue.
he's just struggled in KO games (which is half his own fault for not putting in the required effort and stepping up, half his poor luck that he's never really had an easy KO game and his own team has always struggled).
surely you are not suggesting that Bosnia 3 known men is better than Sweden ? i'm sure you wouldn't fall into this trap or you are suggesting that for a nice 8 years the only difference between Dzeko goals and Ibra with their respective national teams are just 8 goals .. one scored 14 in 21 games and the other have 22 in 59 games ..
i'm sure through out this period Larsson,Elmander ,Berg (now ), Kallstrom ,Larsson , Wilhelmsson through out those 8 years are worse than Bosnia who are just finding their feet
it does make a world of difference alright but for Ibra not for poor Dzeko
As for Zlatan CL record well it's not just the CL KO he doesn't score it but also all the big games in group stage out of 6 games vs B Munich he has 1 goals scored (with both Juve & Inter ) and so far his record with Barca is Inter game which is another miss ..
you are such a hater, man.
elmander is an uncreative striker, berg has barely played so doesn't count. wilhelmsson is good, not great. larsson and kallstrom are great, but that's two players. not to mention lagerback is very pragmatic in his attacking style, which since his players have gotten worse (henke in particular) makes sweden very poor in attack. and zlatan needs proper support in attack.
dzeko meanwhile is playing alongside misimovic, pjanic, muslimovic and ibisevic. in an attacking team with lots of confidence and belief. misimovic is more creative by himself than the entire sweden midfield (and that's including kallstrom).
and if you notice, when sweden were better (i.e. a good team) zlatan's goal record and performances were actually quite good. recently, as sweden have gotten more pragmatic and his teammates have gotten older/worse, ibra has had massive goal droughts (and still has a 1:3 ratio, proving that way back when he scored goals regularly).
but really I promised myself to never get into debates with you about zlatan, since you obviously have something against the dude and nothing I say will change your mind about him. you will consistently nitpick to find things that put him down.
The fact that you never have anything positive to say about him makes you a hater. It's not just that you point out every little flaw he has. It's just your overall blind hatred. And as DiegoMessi would ask - What about his "cool hair & tattoos?"Surely they count
Talk about missing the point.
You'll never be able to praise him, regardless of how much he achieves. Just your personal issue with him, I guess. Most here could praise Benzema if he started to play well, I would think. See, he's easily as "overrated" as Ibra. More so, probably as he hasn't done anything worth writing home about to date whereas Zlatan has been decent. He offers a lot more than the French lardarse, imo.