Eric Abidal


Mike the Knife
This is how kewl Abidal is, he's turning down the captain's armband for Les Bleus...says it doesn't suit his character


I don't think the contract issue is a financial one, I think he wants a 2 year extension and Barca are only offering 1, but even then I still don't get why Abidal isn't re-sigining, I mean at the end of that extension if he's still good enough then he will most likely get another extension.

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
The agent of Barcelona defender Eric Abidal has admitted that it's looking increasingly likely the France international could leave the Camp Nou at the end of the season.

"Today we have a proposition with a bonus for each match played, and we don't want a contract like that.

"We want a permanent contract without variables. Not because of economic issues but more to show recognition and confidence in Abidal. Although they have behaved exceptionally with us, we are entitled to have our desires on the new contract.

"We have a very good relationship with the club, but we have not yet found the solution. It is true that as time passes, the risk increases of Abidal leaving Barcelona. In early December, we have another meeting. Abidal wants to stay here and retire here.''



Hi, its me..
um.. :nervous2:

although, its Abidal.. im pretty sure they will come to something, just look at his desire to stay :blush:


Senior Member
really hope he stays. i'm confident everything will be sorted out in time. he's one of the better left backs we've had at Barca along Gio and Sergi


Mike the Knife
Can you blame the agent though?...All signs point to continuity so the leverage for better pay is not as great, better to give an illusion you are interested in other offers

Seeing him on the bench joking with players like Fontas, you can tell he is rooted here at the club...His agent should be telling him to sulk or something :lol:

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
Abidal: "The club wishes to renew me and I want to continue the adventure here. As I have already said at other times, I want to finish my career in Barcelona"

"The issue is complicated, but it is clear that we will find a solution. If it is hard to reach an agreement, I think that I am with the right people to find a good solution"


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