Eric Abidal



Titus Bramble, Gareth Bale, Ali Dia :)lol: legend!!)...all better than him, that says it all really.


Bomb Dropper
titus isn't a LB, although I get why you mention him.

abidal has't been catastrophically bad this season but I've seen nothing to suggest when face with any real wing threat he won't be. he's not been good he just hasn't been shit. that's hardly cause for celebration.

he's still giving the ball away, being far far too narrow, not defending his winger well enough, etc.


Abidal is a top LB. He is and always was better than Evra-who doesn't even compare.

That is for all those that have been promoting Evra the last couple years.

Abidal is much smarter and he can actually defend. When Evra is on the field I have no idea what he might do, (erratic defensively) which is a bad feeling to have about a player. Also, Abidal is incredibly athletic (I've yet to see someone match him for pace), his speed and strength allow him to catch many mistakes we make defensively before it is too late. He does get beat from a static position at times on the corners of the box which can really hurt us but he has improved on that somewhat. All in all, Abidal is the business at left back, in my opinion.



He plays at LB very, very often. IMO, he'd be perfect. But at what cost..

Oooo I know! Lets use Abishit as part of the deal! Wooop, kill two birds with one stone, we get a player, get rid of a shit one....:beer2: everybody wins.


he is Barca's player dont call him like that:DDDD

I can be even harsher, well I woudlnt call it harsh but most people would, but I think I've voiced that opinion before (you know the one about him not being good enough to be a professional footballer :D).....bit late for not insulting him :lol:


Senior Member
I've never come across a fan hate his own player so much...Abidal may not be the best at what he does, but to be constantly dissing him, hating on him, calling him Abishit, etc is just beyond ridiculous...Meta & others dont rate him, but when he does something good, atleast they acknowledge it. But u Jordzi are on an insane level of hatred that its worrying...Its extremely unhealthy to be harbouring such negative feelings...I'll tell u what y dont u change your custom title to Abidal hater, & save us all from your hate posts about Abi...coz its the same thing from you everytime. So, y even bother?

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