MD says he won't play again.
Considering he's still the best defender not named Puyol we have, it's a damn shame he's being pressured out
You keep him on the squad when he's sick and perhaps dying but once he recovers and shows that he can not only play but be a factor, we pressure him out to be an Ambassador?...It's nonsensical
He's been a symbol of how the club is indeed més but instead of building on that and his miraculous recovery to an unprecedented return to professional football, we want him to stop playing or play somewhere else...It's the same sort of slap in the face of the ethos of the club that the likes of Cruyff have experienced...You nurture that sort of loyalty & excellence, not kick it to the curb
If they thought for a single second that Abidal could play as before he would be signed up immediately.
They clearly think he cant and are leaving all the options open to him as to how he wants to go forward. They have treated him perfectly and with complete respect this whole time.
Pressured out?
Barcelona have treated Abidal with total respect and class all the way through his illness.
They gave him a new contract AFTER he had been diagnosed with cancer and they have supported him every step of the way.
Now that it is clear that he will struggle to have a playing career they are offering him a job immediately as an ambassador, even going to far as saying if he thinks he can play elsewhere he can go and the job will still be there waiting for him when he retires.
Some people seem to think that the club and Rossel are always in the wrong no matter what. When in fact they have treated Abidal with complete respect and class.
They also said that he'll get an automatic extension if he ever sets foot on a pitch again. Yet I don't see that happening. They're cheap businessmen and that's what this is about. Abidal is 33 for goodness' sake. Would it really hurt their pocket so much to pay him players' wages for another year until he retires?
Cheap businessmen who gave him a contract when he was diagnosed with cancer?