Eric Abidal


New member
:worthy: :abidal:

Awesome at defense PLUS occasionally heading all the way up to help offense. He just seems to have superhuman stamina. :lol:


New member
king abidal. so solid. i feel so safe when he's there closing down the attack. his pace, positioning and ball skills/passing are great.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
I remember when we all used to shit bricks cuz Abidal was starting CB.

now he's King Eric ... and a fucking heartless bastard who chews up opposition attackers like a runt doberman ... he's a giraffe ... an absolute BEAST ... I could go on ...

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New member
Abidal is so much better then Milito at CB. Milito is only 3rd choice now. Maybe even 4th if Busi can evoluate to left CB


New member
I wouldn't want to see Busi changing his place, we have enough young CBs coming through our ranks, and if Busi becomes CB, then we are left with only Mascherano. Also, Sergio is incredible DM, I don't think there is a player at his position that can be soo good for Barca style. Just keep him at DM and occasionaly when needed, a CB.


He won't be turned into a CB only when we really need it he'll play there, Busquets is our first choice DM.

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