Ernesto Valverde - V1


Senior Member
:lol: Atletico don't even need to win now. A 5 point lead is nothing. You slip up two times and it's done. Great fucking job. Valverde is a good manager but sometimes I think he just has a small team mentality. I mean you're at Barca FFS. You can't play defensive players away to bottom teams.

Can't go to Las Palmas with any other thought that just outplay them and win the game early.
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Senior Member
You can buy Coutinho, Dembele, Griezmann and PELE but with a coward on the bench you’ll never have a great team.


President of FC Barcelona
I don't really understand. We face a team with a similar formula to Girona except we're playing away this time which is obviously a bit more complicated than playing at home, but still.

We had a great game vs Girona playing Coutinho and Dembele even though the latter wasn't at his best yet and is still trying to build up form and understanding.

Why, Why, Why

Why would you play Paulinho and Vidal? Why? Especially when Coutinho and Dembele are highly unlikely to start vs Atletico.


Instead of going for the win right away and playing a team with more pace and a player willing to play through balls in Coutinho to threaten their high line.....we play Paulinho who's slow with the first touch of a horse and inability to stick to his position and Vidal who seemingly add very little apart from a couple of nice combinations, one-twos.


3 draws in the last 5 games. Valverde needs to grow some balls and stop this passive football, this isn't Olympiacos. Such play don't fly at this club.


Senior Member
Idiotic line-up, go out with some attacking intent and try to kill them off early. Granted it doesn't always happen. But that line-up had zero pace and creativity from the off.


You're welcome
This one isn't just on Valverde though. Umtiti, Messi, Suarez, Busquets, Iniesta, Roberto, Digne all were not their usual self or playing bad.


New member
I swear, if it isn't for RMA being so bad this season, we wouldn't have been the leaders. atletico also had a very bad start of the season (out of ucl) yet they are only 5 points away from us.

chelski we are about to put 3 past us in the first half but we were lucky. conte dominated him tactically at every sense.

giving the likes of vidal and paulinho chances even tho they can't complete a single pass,


Senior Member
This one isn't just on Valverde though. Umtiti, Messi, Suarez, Busquets, Iniesta, Roberto, Digne all were not their usual self or playing bad.

Even if they weren’t there should have been no place for Vidal and Paulinho in starting 11!


President of FC Barcelona
This one isn't just on Valverde though. Umtiti, Messi, Suarez, Busquets, Iniesta, Roberto, Digne all were not their usual self or playing bad.

It is on him though. The way he set up the team with the players he picked resulted in the team moving the ball slowly with no one wanting to pick that pass over the top or through their high line. Against teams such as this you need pace and creativity to threaten that high line and punish it.

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