Ernesto Valverde - V1


Senior Member
It's best if he leaves on his own at the end of the season. He's been exposed. Badly. Trashed by a team inferiour in every single way after parking the bus.


No more faces at night
A pale in comparison to Enrique's PSG comeback in the sense: WE WERE THE PSG SIDE THIS GAME. We deserved to be knockout with tactics like that. Why Dembele is not subbed in earlier makes me wonder. And it's definitely not because hur dur defensive work, cause there were absolutely NONE. We have to reform and work on our flaws again. But I'm not confident with EV at the helm. Today's loss has shown the flaw of his decisions.


New member
This is the most emberrassing match I've ever watched, fucking pathetic from Valverde, if this board had any balls they would sack this shithead today. How much we pay him to fucking play Iniesta every single game, NEVER played our youth, ignore new players, and play fucking Athletic style with long balls against 7ft average Roma team, FUCK OFF OF MY CLUB.


President of FC Barcelona
I don't care about the unbeaten league record now.

He should be fired just for being spineless and making this team play like David Moyes Man Utd at times. People ignored the warning signs at Stamford Bridge where we got incredibly lucky.

The players deserves a lot of blame, but Barca this season have been utterly spineless in the Champions League.
Worse than Lucho by some distance. Lucho had the mentality, this coward midtable manager certainly doesn't.

I've been warning you guys of something like this happening all season. You all buried your heads in the sand and cited unbeaten streaks and goals against stats.

Again, the warning signs have been there all season, many of you just chose to be ignorant.

I knew there was a chance we could get humilated, I just thought it wouldn't be against A.S. fucking Roma.


Senior Member
Front two that have no pace and dont defend or move off ball much, slow old midfield with no pace and a defence that was a shambles.

As soon as they went 1-0 up alarm bells were ringing but nothing changed until 3-0.

Having said that the players to a man were a disgrace.

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