Ernesto Valverde - V1

Pepe Silvia

Active member
This stat absolutely staggered me... from the weakest most frail aerial team to a powerhouse. AND we are leading in possession which means we protected the ball. This is astounding. ofc it's very early to bring out stats, but after one-two matches in Europe, this looks promising. Props to EV.


Senior Member
I like Bojan's theory that he's only here to improve his CV and nothing else.

I mean why develop individual players when you can just default to the same ones the last coach used regardless if they perform or not? Lets also take off new players at HT even if they aren't having bad games and keep the Veterans on who are openly defecating on the field because reasons!

Losing a crucial CL match despite being 3-1 up and at risk of going out? Lets sub in a guy who admitted he didn't feel he had the mentality to play for a big club like ours to defend what little lead we had left with 8 mins left in regular time!

Have the number one spot on the group stages locked up? Why should we take some B players with us and rest some of the starters to see the potential they have. Instead lets play a couple of the starters and some of the fringe players who didn't belong here in the first place.
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Senior Member
What he's going to say? Players lost their balls? Roma was more on players than Valverde. They pulled the same thing against PSG and Juve away year before that.

He is hated so obviously anything he says is either stupid, cluless,pathetic etc

I don't want another rookie manager if we get a new one after this season regardless of the outcome.

Our last 3 coaches were far from rookies. The least experienced of them had 5 years of coaching experience (2 of top level) before coaching us.

I like Bojan's theory that he's only here to improve his CV and nothing else.

This and money are the only reasons any coach sign for us or other big clubs anyway.


New member
He doesnt really give a shit about developing players or try something new, simple as that. He tries to justify himself in interviews, and his reasons are always the same, always just too focused on defense, the same old guards and can't seem to inspire the team offensively. After a while, all this things he says just seems more and more like bullshit to me because the team looks to be getting slower and worse as the seasons progress. No improvement, no spark, no new ideas.

I get people always try to defend him just because of the "domestic double", "Neymar saga". But let's be honest here, it's extremely hard to imagine him winning big things and building a team that looks optimistic for the future, for years to come. He's tactically very limited as well. Doesnt seem to be aware of our issues that has plagued us during Lucho's era and doesnt strike a balance between attack and defence, or emphasised on importance of right and left flanks, dynamism and flexibility.

I also understand people try to emphasise so much on defence, some things that EV brought, but at the end of the day, you cant focus on defense only. Maybe a slightly more conversative approach, yes, but from what I've seen tactically and from the squad selections, it's way too reserved and timid, so much so it's actually crippling our ability to grow expotentially as a confident potent team.

He would definitely suit better as a temporary coach imo, but as a long term coach it's a big no for me. People are hopeful, i get that, but I'd be honest here. This coach is not going to change much in his reserved mentality, squad development, or transform into a team building, innovative and inspring manager. Part of the blame would have to go to the board for blindly going for a "Barca DNA" coach, but ultimately, EV took this job and chose to go for a second season, so it's still his responsibility and he deserve every bit of explicit honest criticism this season.

I may seem "naggy", but I have to watch Barcelona play every week and especially with the contant dull football it can definitely get slightly frustrating.

He will need to change and step up big time this season, it's the only expectation I have for him. If he doesn't and fail to impress this season, then it's only fair he should step down next season. Till then, I'll just have to wait and see. :)

Wow, what a well-rounded post from you, quite reasonable and with fine points to make :goodpost:

First of all:
No new ideas - you are right, he doesn't revolutionize the squad. Sadly for us, some players like Suarez, Pique, Busquets need a boot up their ass and feel to comfortable. Valverde doesn't seem like the guy to do that. Therefore a new manager with a bigger vision should be molding the squad at some point during the next years, I agree with that.

He is conservative, but sometimes there is a mismatch between fans expectations - like 'play this or that new player all the time in every game' and reality, that adaptation is best done gradually. Therefore Coutinho for example will play all he can this season, because of the adaptation-period. Expect the same with Arthur/Lenglet/Malcom. That is reasonable, but the general point about conservatism can make us lose the "ability to grow exponentially as a potent team" is a valid concern. We are not playing very exciting, and that must affect the players as well, which can be worrying, especially when we have looked totally without spark and will to win everytime we get knocked out of CL.

I hope we play more exciting than last season, but winning still comes first for me, right now. I must admit that because I follow a team in my home country who plays exciting extreme-pressing football, maybe I haven't craved that much for consistent Barca-magic/beautiful play as usual last season as people who only follow barca.

I think, if we don't reach the CL-final, both parties would be alright with parting next summer. That is clearly our goal, and he has to deliver in his second season. Then a new coach can start to integrate those of the extremely talented barca-b-players we can use, and create a new vision for the team, Valverde doesn't have that, which is a necessity in barca for the coming years.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
I think EV is doing a great job. He has brought balance. In Europe he needs to adjust to faster, more counter friendly tactics but we haven't started our CL campaign so it's not fair to say whether or not he will make those changes. I'm fine with his liga/copa tactics and with this new team and exciting players, it'll be even better. Some of you should really have perspective. We are winning and this era is looking up... more trophies ahead guys!


Senior Member
We are playing slower and slower. We are becoming more and more asymetrical in our positioning. Midfield trio isn't compact anymore.

It doesn't help that EV moved Messi back to the RW, since our RB's (out of position Sergi and attacking-wise inept so far Semedo) are quite a bit less attacking than Alba on the other side. Play Suarez as an inside forward on the left, Alba as a very advanced fullback, Messi in the middle and Dembele/Malcom on the right.

We have two RW's with great potential now. Utilize them. If Suarez doesn't press, drop him. If Pique doesn't take mid-table games seriously, drop him. If anyone looks tired, rest him.
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New member
His contract runs out after this season anyway and I don't think Bartomeu is too keen on giving him a contract extension unless our performances in the CL and just in general improves.

And I don't see Valverde continuing for more than a season anyway. I don't know, but I sometimes get the feeling he doesn't really enjoy this as much as he enjoyed managing Athletic Bilbao from his public demeanor. Could be due to the pressure though.

I don't want another rookie manager if we get a new one after this season regardless of the outcome.

Need someone with a good CV of winning major trophies, someone that's good tactically and is a strong character which these players probably need. Too many of them are too comfortable right now.

The only person who fits these criteria is Allegri.


President of FC Barcelona
Cmon man......

At least wait until March or April before thinking about this. Especially when there is a one year option.

Don Andrésº8

New member
omg more years??? but this board is dumb or what??? they need to fire him ASAP, barca is too slow to be competitive against the top teams in Europe


I mean, this is a non-story imo. They're just making a logical leap (from the fact that EV's contract provisionally ends this season) to sell a story.


New member
Might still be better than ruining another season & the development of young players:lol:

A domestic double is a ruined season? :lol:
It will be good fun when you guys get to experience periods like the Gaspart one. You'll probably have found new homes in Man City forums by then...


New member
A domestic double is a ruined season? :lol:
It will be good fun when you guys get to experience periods like the Gaspart one. You'll probably have found new homes in Man City forums by then...

Haha you have no idea when I started following this club.
And I value the quality of football and the future of Barça much more than just the number of trophies won for a single season.

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