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So, if he hasn't start progressing right away, that is ALWAYS on "a stupid coach"?
What about a kid who had problems with food, waking up, coming to trainings, stretching before matches, learning Spanish, playing playstation every night, who was slipping during matches like Alexis Sanchez in his first few Months here etc?
So, if he didn't click right away=it must be a coach and not one of 1000s of other possible reasons?
From what I have seen, he didn't play forward passes at all at Gremio and in the first few Months here.
Lately he is playing forward passes way more.
Also, he was dead tired after 45-50 minutes in his first weeks here.
Lately he is ok until a minute 60-70, so he improved in stamina's department also.
I guess it won't be up to EV and our coaching staff who talked with him, but about Arthur who improved "on his own".
I don't see lately stupid goals from half of a pitch, or his frosty the frozen reactions, or crazy things when he was dribbling players near a corner flag for no logical reason.
I guess that coaches have nothing to do with him not doing those things anymore.
Looked like a total trash in the last season and in the beginning of this season.
Lately he is not actually a new Alves, but is quite a decent player, BETTER than Semedo from the last year.
I won't comment about that myth where Semedo played awesome in the first few matches and how EV killed his confidence.
He had 1-2 good games and then disappeared even without EV.
Not too many believed in him when we signed him.
Now he is not much worse than Umtiti who is injured.
Either people didn't know about his skills or he raised his level even more.
Looked like a crazy turnover machine until now.
Lately he is doing less mistakes and keeping it more calm and less run and gun.
Also, isn't Alba looking better than ever under EV?
I mean, if you guys don't like EV, everything will be wrong.
But tbf, lately he even started rotating.
Malcom started to play, Alena started to play, Messi/Suarez/Busi/Raki were rotated lately. Vidal is playing a lot.
Alba is rested sometimes.
Ev is making subs even before the 80th minute lately.
He is not Pep, but he is nowhere near as bad as you guys are making him to be.
Reading some posts here, it seems like he turned Messi, Coutinho and all players into Andre Gomes' level with his bad coaching.
Dembele not playing playstation and having bad diet doesn't mean its coaches accomplishments, its his, he got his act together, he realized that he is being paid 500k a week which gives him a big responsibility and has an oopportunity to build a legacy, EV has nothing to do with this.
I don't know if Arthur played forward passes at Gremio but I'm 100% sure you don't know either. What I do know that he had a knack there to score goals which we haven't seen him do here after his 1st game (after he was exposed to EV). I don't know why would you reward Valverde for Arthurs fitness levels getting better when we have 3 conditioning coaches, but not surprised you don't know that either.
Again how can EV have anything to do with Mats doing less mistakes? It can't be just Mats maturing? Improving with age? We also have a goalkeeping coach but I don't expect you to know that much.
Semedo has literally been THE SAME his whole carreer here except his first 2 matches. He played amazing great twice, got completely benched and since then he was just a world-class defender and average attacker, literally nothing changed, I think its just a football fan short-term memory syndrome. Watch a random highlight of his from this season and from last season and you won't see a difference.
So you are saying that Lenglet didn't improve or you don't even know if he improved? Why even mention him in the first post then?
Alena never was a turnover machine, on top of that he simply never played.
He is bad, his coaching is ineffective, our youth isn't improving, players look depressed to me despite playing for the best club in the world in a beatiful city, I could go on and on.
But I understand why people like you defend him, everything seems fine right now, we aren't "losing" games, if you look just at the results, we are doing great, I just wonder where fans like you are going to be if we get knocked out by Lyon