FA Cup


Estonian Culé
Didn't realise there was a thread for FA Cup so I congratulated Tim in the PL thread. Tim Sherwood next Barca manager?


Penya Member
In all my time of watching football I have never seen an Aston Villa team out play anyone like they did to us this afternoon and Brendan has to take the blame for that...

Then you're clearly a kid, no way are you older than 18yrs old.

Another "easy" win for Arsenal in the final then. Probably after getting lucky in penalty shootout.

Funny how people said that before the Liverpool v Villa game, completely ruling out Villa and saying it was all Liverpool pre game... even my mate posted on fb saying it was all Liverpool stating Villa don't stand a chance. Love how it turned out just to prove to people Villa aren't push overs, the fans also showed their part :lucho2:


So far people outside of these forums have proven to be realistic, so sad when I enjoy coming here, maybe it's time I take a walk. If it was Arsenal v Liverpool they could plan but now it's Villa, homework will be a lot more difficult. On paper and on FIFA it would have Arsenal as favourites, but with tactics Tim you never know. Their is a massive buzz around Villa right now, yes a lot can happen in a month, but it's Arsenal who should be worried with the mentality of Villa being the underdogs.

Need I remind everyone of only a few years ago Arsenal lost to Small Heath Alliance!? How many of you back then were saying it was going to be an easy win against a team who GOT RELEGATED THAT SEASON!! Against an absolutely utter, garbage team in the dirty bluenose scum and Arsenal f'd it up!

Now you lot are saying it's an easy win because it's Villa!?!?...

Didn't realise there was a thread for FA Cup so I congratulated Tim in the PL thread. Tim Sherwood next Barca manager?

As a Barça fan, let's not go losing our heads :pep: As a Villa fan, hands off :bartomeu:


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New member
Then you're clearly a kid, no way are you older than 18yrs old.

Funny how people said that before the Liverpool v Villa game, completely ruling out Villa and saying it was all Liverpool pre game... sorry what was the score again?


So far people outside of these forums have proven to be realistic, so sad when I enjoy coming here, maybe it's time to take a walk. If it was Arsenal v Liverpool they could plan but now it's Villa, homework will be a lot more difficult. On paper and on FIFA it would have Arsenal as favourites, but with tactics Tim you never know. Their is a massive buzz around Villa right now, yes a lot can happen in a month, but it's Arsenal who should be worried with the mentality of Villa being the underdogs.

Need I remind everyone of only a few years ago Arsenal lost to Small Heath Alliance!? How many of you back then were saying it was going to be an easy win against a team who GOT RELEGATED THAT SEASON!! Against an absolutely utter, garbage team in the dirty bluenose scum and Arsenal f'd it up!

Now you lot are saying it's an easy win because it's Villa!?!?

You know what you can do, you don't need me to say it :rolleyes::shakeshead:

Didn't mean to disrespect Villa. The way Arsenal have been extremely lucky these past two years I see no chance for any of those teams. Not because either Villa or Liverpool are bad, they're not. That's why I said easy in quotation marks. You can have an amazing match but Arsenal's luck will pull them through.

I truly hope your team wins, really.


Penya Member
Didn't mean to sound like all that was directed at you DrPepper, just reading it back sounds a bit... much, so sorry if it came off that way my intentions weren't aggressive. Trying to juggle food & work at the moment plus this :lol: so will edit when can to make it sound a bit friendlier lol

I know what you mean, Arsenal can ride their luck at times, against Reading it was shocking, if Reading had any speed & ability to go forward and attack instead of choking and slowing it down... the amount of times they could have gone through on goal and had a 1v1 with the keeper... ugh it's horrible to think. That second goal as well, complete blunder by the GK, but it's football anything can happen.

If Arsenal play like that against Villa they will get stomped simple as. Villa were allowed to play the way they wanted to and bossed the game v Liverpool through complete domination in all aspects of the field. The only slip up was Okore being lazy and off, not clearing it which gave false hope & let Liverpool in, not to take away because it was an incredible bit of football from pool > to be continued in my post in AVFC thread lol

Anyway, Reading had an amazing 1 off opportunity to take it to Arsenal and they ball'sed it up. Maybe the pressure of Wembley but both the fans & team looked off. I'll make a post in the AVFC thread for my experience I hope I can share.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Final in 30 minutes!

Arsenal XI: Szczesny, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Walcott
Aston Villa: Given, Hutton, Vlaar, Okore, Richardson, Westwood, Delph (c), Cleverley, Grealish, N'Zogbia, Benteke

Interesting that Theo is starting, I probably agree with his selection, I think his pace and movement will provide more of a threat than Giroud's hold-up play. Should be a good game!

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