FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


New member
On the other hand, when Eusebio will be sacked and when we'll get a better B coach, our players won't have alibis anymore.
Currently Eusebio is guilty for everything.

I know that it is the biggest sin here to say that our young players aren't that special, but again, Halilovic hasn't played 2 good games in a row in his whole career.
He is brilliant in one game, and then doesn't exist on the field in next 3 matches. (He is young, that's fine, people will reply.)

Anyway, it will be interesting to see excuses from our fans (in a year or two) if the current players won't turn into Barca's starting 11 material.
As always, the best "cure" will be: "Ok, the current generation didn't turn out to be that good, but here we have a new generation. This one is even better than the generation of Munir, Adama, Deulo, Halilovic etc. Those guys didn't make it, but the new guys will surely make it."

In the last 15 years, La Masia produced 10 players who were Barca's material:
1. Puyol
2. Xavi
3. Iniesta
4. Victor Valdes
5. Busquets
6. Pedro
7. Messi
8. Motta (somewhat)
9. Oleguer (somewhat)
10. Thiago

10 players in 15 Seasons. But again, those 10 guys in 15 Seasons are considered to the best generation of La Masia ever.
We were extremely lucky to get so many first team players from our youth ranks.

My point is, even during the most luckiest La Masia era, we produced 2 players in 3 Seasons (10/15 on average).
Realistically, if we won't have the luckiest La masia era as then, then 1 playable first team in 2 Seasons is something like an average (5 players in 10 Seasons).
And a more realistic expectation.

So, anything more than one playable player out of Deulo, Halil, Munir, Sandro, Adama, Samper, Grimaldo will be an extreme luck and a huge success for La Masia.
To get 2 players who will be good enough for Barca out of those 7 will be like winning on a lottery.

Expecting 3-4 or more players out of those, to make it, doesn't make too much sense.
People should trust a little more to statistics and history.

Your premise is flawed because it doesn't take into account the dynamics of the current squad. The chances that more than one player breaks into the squad in the next 2-3 years if very high because of 1) The transfer ban and 2) Aging/inept players currently in the squad.

First and foremost Xavi has one foot out the door, this basically guarantees either Rafinha, Samper or Sergi Roberto a place in the squad. And with iniesta on the wrong side of 30 a rotational AM spot will be opened as well for Suarez/Halilovic (Grimaldo can fit in here too if Lucho pulls a Guardiola ala Alaba)

Secondly With Vermalean being perpetually injured and Matheiu being 31 years old, the chances that Ie breaks into the squad and exceptionally high also.

Thirdly despite his recent burst of form against minnows, Pedro has not looked like himself for quite some time, which leaves an opening for one of Adama, Deulofeu, Munir or Sandro to take his spot the same way he did to Henry 6 years ago.

Taking all this into account, I expect to see atleast 2 players becoming full-fledged first teamers in the next 2-3 years. It my even be more since Rafinha is well on his way to becoming a real member of the team, he has the most assists of any midfielder I believe.


Senior Member
Your premise is flawed because it doesn't take into account the dynamics of the current squad. The chances that more than one player breaks into the squad in the next 2-3 years if very high because of 1) The transfer ban and 2) Aging/inept players currently in the squad.

That wouldn't mean that young players which would break into a first team are good enough as other young players in the last 15 years.
It would mean that they broke into a first team because we don't have any better alternatives due to a transfer ban.

So, young players in the last 15 years needed to "fight" against:
1. current 1st team players
2. all other available players (transfers)

If you remove transfers due to a transfer ban, then players need to fight "only" against current players.
But again, the transfer ban will be gone in 1-2 years, and the new board will again buy (a lot) of expensive players from other teams, especially if they will try to start a new cycle.

So, your premise is also flawed.
So, yes, younger players have the chance to play during the transfer ban and to cover some holes in our team.
But if they will not be good enough for our Barca's level from previous years, they will soon be out of our team.

So, yes, those players have higher chances to get some minutes in a shorter future due to a transfer ban.
But about long term future, they can stay only if they are good enough for Barca.

And again, statistics is not on their side.
So, I am talking about a long term future, and I don't think that more than 2 out of these 7-8 players will be here in 5 years.

They will have to fight against:
1. current players
2. new players bought from other clubs (transfers)
3. some new, possibly even better youngsters

So, again, you can stay on a long term in Barca only if you are a Barca's material.
And it is highly unlikely that we will have 3-4 players from more or less the same generation who are good enough for Barca.
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New member
That wouldn't mean that young players which would break into a first team are good enough as other young players in the last 15 years.
It would mean that they broke into a first team because we don't have any better alternatives due to a transfer ban.

So, young players in the last 15 years needed to "fight" against:
1. current 1st team players
2. all other available players (transfers)

If you remove transfers due to a transfer ban, then players need to fight "only" against current players.
But again, the transfer ban will be gone in 1-2 years, and the new board will again buy (a lot) of expensive players from other teams, especially if they will try to start a new cycle.

So, your premise is also flawed.
So, yes, younger players have the chance to play during the transfer ban and to cover some holes in our team.
But if they will not be good enough for our Barca's level from previous years, they will soon be out of our team.

So, yes, those players have higher chances to get some minutes in a shorter future due to a transfer ban.
But about long term future, they can stay only if they are good enough for Barca.

And again, statistics is not on their side.
So, I am talking about a long term future, and I don't think that more than 2 out of these 7-8 players will be here in 5 years.

They will have to fight against:
1. current players
2. new players bought from other clubs (transfers)
3. some new, possibly even better youngsters

So, again, you can stay on a long term in Barca only if you are a Barca's material.
And it is highly unlikely that we will have 3-4 players from more or less the same generation who are good enough for Barca.

Well whether or not they become Xavi's or iniesta's and stay at the club forever or are Cesc's /Motta's who move on isn't something statistics can predict since we have never had a point where we have had such extenuating circumstances that allow for slots in the team that may have been filled by transfers to be left completely open to B players. There is no past case study to work with so there is nothing to say that with there being no other option, the club won't put all their effort into fixing deficiencies in players that would have otherwise been discarded even if their full of talent (Giovanni and his partying for example). This is new territory so all we can do is wait and see. But looking at their current skill level Adama and Samper will more likely than not make it at the team as neither have the attitude and workrate issues that Deulofeu have. Rafinha already looks promising in the games he's played and the next step for him will be to perform in big games. If he does he'd join Bartra as another recent grad that made the grade.


Senior Member
Bagnack and Ondoa called for Cameroon in 24 provisional squad .
one player will be out of the squad as only 23 is allowed


New member
Bagnack will be coming back. Ondoa is the starting keeper. Unless there are injuries, i don't see Bagnack going to the African Nations Cup


Quintilla on eusebio

“Eusebio continuing for another year? Don’t think so. He already sees that his time is running out."
“Eusebio is quiet, reserved and shy. You can criticize him about everything but he won’t listen to anyone."
“If you had a problem, you'd talk to the captain who then talked to Eusebio. There's no direct player-coach relationship."
“Eusebio talked to me twice in five months. He told me I was a technical player but he never let me play me so I could show it.”
“One day Deulofeu said in the showers: ‘Why not play this kid when he is the best at training?’”
“In my position, we had Roberto, Rafinha, Espinosa and Luis Alberto. I didn’t play because the others were better than me.”


President of FC Barcelona
It's baffling how he managed to stay for so long in the first place.

Eusebio out with the board and Oscar Garcia in please.
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Mike the Knife
Quintilla on eusebio

“Eusebio continuing for another year? Don’t think so. He already sees that his time is running out."
“Eusebio is quiet, reserved and shy. You can criticize him about everything but he won’t listen to anyone."
“If you had a problem, you'd talk to the captain who then talked to Eusebio. There's no direct player-coach relationship."
“Eusebio talked to me twice in five months. He told me I was a technical player but he never let me play me so I could show it.”
“One day Deulofeu said in the showers: ‘Why not play this kid when he is the best at training?’”
“In my position, we had Roberto, Rafinha, Espinosa and Luis Alberto. I didn’t play because the others were better than me.”

No one can possibly be surprised by Eusebio, he is a Rosell/Bartomeu stooge and his ineptitude as a coach has been plainly obvious for years now...Yet renewal

There are sooo many things to be incensed by when it comes to this board, you couldn't script a more disastrous & destructive set of actions by the club after the peak of Pep & Laporta...But it also tells you about the fickle nature of socios/voters who sit idly by when it's clear what needs to be done

Bring on new elections


Estonian Culé


President of FC Barcelona
If you're bringing a new coach for the B team(which will only come with a new board) then there is no one as deserving as Oscar Garcia who should have and would have got the job back then instead of this fucking clown managing the team right now had there been competent people leading the club and not corrupt, incompetent clowns who want people who'll suck up to them and give benefits to friends.


Senior Member
If you're bringing a new coach for the B team(which will only come with a new board) then there is no one as deserving as Oscar Garcia who should have and would have got the job back then instead of this fucking clown managing the team right now had there been competent people leading the club and not corrupt, incompetent clowns who want people who'll suck up to them and give benefits to friends.

Doubt Oscar will accept taking a reserve team right now tbh


Estonian Culé
Midfielder Samper and winger Adama are the two Barcelona B players most likely to be promoted next summer. Halilovic possibly too. [md]

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