Oier is not in the team. So 6 players out of a squad 27 players qualifies as "the team is hardly La Masia"Barca B has always brought in players from outside.
Oier was the starting goalkeeper for Barca B while Masip sat on the bench. Whether he's still here or not isn't relevant to the point I was making. And I never said bringing in new players is new to Barca B, either. Them bringing in new players constantly is the reason why I don't consider it to be La Masia, however.
This has nothing to do with La Masia values.
I specifically said Barca B is hardly La Masia to make exactly this point.
So basically your comment was just a hate comment with no substance.
If you say so.
I don't have a personal opinion because I don't know what on earth Vinyals was talking about, and when I ask here it seems like none of you know either.
In our squad of youngsters there's far more importance put on individual quality than team play. This seems to be starting at least on the Juvenil A level. More and more of our players come up thinking more about themselves than for the team, and players who are supposed to be the next ___ are being signed with contracts that promise them promotions they aren't good enough to receive. We have talents like Adama, Deulofeu, Halilovic, Sanabria, Canos, Bellerin, etc. coming through the ranks who think the world is at their feet before they even put their shoes on and it is like this for nearly every promising prospect we have. Munir is the closest to being as humble minded as one would expect a La Masia grad to be and that's likely because he was close to being cut from the team altogether (Zubi renewed his contract roughly 4 months before it expired) before his sudden surge in ability.
But once again, that's just my opinion. There's a lot on the inside that I obviously am unable to see for myself.