FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member




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President of FC Barcelona
His account is verified, so he did tweet those things, however very nice of him to apologize even though he don't really need too. Not often you see that so kudos to him.

He has his opinions and can hold to them. The fact it goes against Barca and Catalunya hence the reason for his contract termination is another matter, but he don't need to apologize for what he believes even though he could convey his message a bit more professionally.

All in all, the club should learn something every competent entity knows and does: Background check.

That's it.


What a joke, kids career is ruined cause some nerds decided to dig around his twitter for something that's 2 years old.


New member
What a joke, kids career is ruined cause some nerds decided to dig around his twitter for something that's 2 years old.

Kid is 24 years old. Made the tweets at the age of 22. Horrible grammar, I might add.

edit: Talking about second chance. Unlike the case with the Depor player, Guardiola was not bought as a talent to develop. He came in as a (somewhat) experienced player to provide consistency and stability to the young B team. Now imagine somebody like him being compromised from the very start, this would only add fuel to the Barca B woes.
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Senior Member
I don't get one thing, why the hell the club doesn't do the internet checkings before freaking sign a new player. Why does this kind of shit situation occurs in which the player was Barca's only for a ~7 horus?

Do the freaking homework before getting any new player, simple.


Pretty obvious that he did not write those tweets but damn those are some fucked up friends he has.

How is it obvious? I think he gave a bad excuse, with his "a friend did it". His account was verified, in this day and age people need to be careful.

God Serena

New member
What a joke, kids career is ruined cause some nerds decided to dig around his twitter for something that's 2 years old.

Those nerds have done us a great favor. That mess would have come up eventually, but by then it'd have probably been too late. The B team already has enough issues without it being discovered that its own players are Madridista, anti-Catalan scum.


Well-known member
He's obviously lying and is responsible anyway. I hate these sell out players with no honour. Lets call them Isco type players.


Active member
How is it obvious? I think he gave a bad excuse, with his "a friend did it". His account was verified, in this day and age people need to be careful.

Give me one good reason why someone would do that on his own and put his own career in serious jeopordy.If he hated barca so much he would not join in the first place.Not to mention apologize later.Most probably he left his account open without logging out and someone did this,or he got drunk as hell and did it himself but that is very improbable.
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