FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member
Oh yeah, remember him. Why isn't he in the team? Didn't he come from Brazil after finished his paperwork last week?
He's getting in shape and his paper work is about done according to Gerard Romero he should be good to go in the next two weeks.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
There's still a lot of games to be played, but if things continue this way, Gerard will be proven right and all the heat he took for firing dead weight will be more than justified...


Senior Member
Tarin will be 20 in 3 months. He should be ready.

How many defenders we had ever promoted b4 21?can't remember many tbh
Bartra,Montoya,Puyol,Fontas all promoted at that age
Would give Tarin another year in the B team most probably .He didn't even train that many with the 1st team that season if all IIRC
Let's just not start another"why should we spend big ,La Masia is there" argument .If Tarin makes it in time gr8 .but for now we can't count on that on the very near future

Wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being better than Bartra,Fontas,Muniesa ever were.

What I like the most about him is he's Intelligent and rarely makes mistakes and leads the back line very well. Exciting times considering Barca B's situation a season ago and just how underwhelming the CB options were.

Well,considering that 2 of those are squad players for Celta & Stoke and the 3rd is 5th CB here .It would never surprise me if someone ended better
That said ,let's slow down and remember when Bartra was only 1 year older he was the best CB in Segunda

Palencia was decent today, hard working and rough when he has to be.Will be interesting in the future if Palencia or Godswill have what it takes to make it to the first team.

Palencia is a hardworker you love to see ,but he doesn't really have any offensive game and isn't that talented for Barca Fullback .I think he would be one of those to have a nice career in Liga ,Godswill is quit the opposite ,good attacker & bad defender
Not putting my hopes high on them ,hope I am wrong though
tbh ,the only players from that team I can see them making 1st team are Samper,Tarin & Kaptoum .can see Gumbau getting a chance duo to Lucho being a fan

There's still a lot of games to be played, but if things continue this way, Gerard will be proven right and all the heat he took for firing dead weight will be more than justified...

The heat was never justified ,the team was bad and signings was needed .
Even many of those ranting admitted that b4 the winning streak .it was just some weird decisions of some players that wasn't that bad but overall it was understandable


Senior Member
Anything that proves some of these Barca Twitter personalities wrong is a win in my book. (aka the ones who come off as a bunch of zealots in regards to how the B team should be ran and use Revisionist history in regards to how Pep and Lucho did things).

There's a ways to go but these games showed so far the team is heading in the right direction finally.


Palencia is a hardworker you love to see ,but he doesn't really have any offensive game and isn't that talented for Barca Fullback .I think he would be one of those to have a nice career in Liga ,Godswill is quit the opposite ,good attacker & bad defender

Sorry but I've to say that this is totally wrong, Godswill played so many games as CB and was great, he is a great defender with some effective offensive actions. Palencia is a prefect Barca fullback, his passing game, his runs, his overall style, unlike Godswill who is nowhere near Barca fullback style, although I still like him and see him a better player than Palencia. I won't mind having one of them as 1st team's back up RB


Honestly I think Ortola deserves a place in the 1st team. He has been great like in every single game he played for the B team. 3rd GK until Bravo leaves isn't bad


Not to forget Quintilla, have no idea why he is being neglected by Gerard, has always been great with the Juvenil A, both a CB and LB, his passing game
is prefect, better than any other CB in the B team and maybe even in the 1st team


Not to forget Quintilla, have no idea why he is being neglected by Gerard, has always been great with the Juvenil A, both a CB and LB, his passing game
is prefect, better than any other CB in the B team and maybe even in the 1st team


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