I am not here to discuss what the Israeli government has or has not done. Again, we are not talking about Israel the country here or any country or what the government of those countries have done. You are speaking as if every citizen, entity from Israel or any country for that matter was complicit of everything the state/government has done. If that is the case, which company/person is clean? Almost every country has some skeletons hidden in the closet, every state has done something bad, by that logic we can't accept sponsorship from any company of any country out there.
Look at our current and previous sponsors (or any sports sponsor for that matter), which one has openly spoken against what's happening/what has happened in the respective countries? If not, we should not accept their sponsorship?
Sure let's ignore it like it's not relevant at all to this discussion.
Firstly this isn't an event that has happened in the past, it's something that has been happening for decades and is still happening today.
Secondly i made it clear that the general populace is most definitely complicit in the policies the government has enacted for decades because they do not challenge the status quo. It' isn't a government that has made a decision over one or two terms but yet again I reiterate over decades! Sure if they turn out to provide legal support and also protest against the government's actions like a few groups do in Israel do then I'd be more than happy to have them as a sponsor as they're actually trying to impose change as best as they can
When countries face sanctions why do companies in those countries also face sanctions? Why are they and the general. Population also punished for the action of their government/leader/dictator? I wonder why? Perhaps it puts pressure directly on those governments/leaders as well aas allows people to hold their government's responsible for the consequences of those actions if possible?
Should we also accept sponsorships from fox news? Or weapons manufacturers as well while we are at it?
We shouldn't be accepting anything or dealing with Israel* until the Palestinian lands are restored, Compensation paid, war crimes and humans rights abuses punished. Doing so only makes us complicit in legitimising the states actions as acceptable to human decency.