Calma, calma
Map of most popular sport by country. Looks pretty accurate by most accounts.
Australia is debatable, cricket is extremely popular (if not no.1 then defo no.2) but I think Aussie Rules football takes it there. Also, the UAE shows up with cricket as the most popular sport and that's mainly because of the immigrants from South Asia but again football really is the most popular sport over there easily (source: I lived there). Cricket unsurprisingly top in South Asia and the Caribbean, baseball unsurprisingly top in Venezuela, Cuba, Japan, rugby unsurprisingly top in Oceania.
Austria with skiing???
Australia is debatable, cricket is extremely popular (if not no.1 then defo no.2) but I think Aussie Rules football takes it there. Also, the UAE shows up with cricket as the most popular sport and that's mainly because of the immigrants from South Asia but again football really is the most popular sport over there easily (source: I lived there). Cricket unsurprisingly top in South Asia and the Caribbean, baseball unsurprisingly top in Venezuela, Cuba, Japan, rugby unsurprisingly top in Oceania.
Austria with skiing???