In today's market 15 million is a joke. Especially from a Saudi club. A washed up Fahinho was sold for 40 million. Kessie is in his prime.
Another big L for this washed up club.
Shut the fuck up LGBQTIAKessie is a nobody. We got 15m more than we should have.
Stop acting like an emotional hoe.
Shut the fuck up LGBQTIA
Probably not. Since the Saudis needed to bulk up the majority of the money to his wage to convince him. Sure we could've demanded (and maybe even got) 30-40M for him, but then the salary would've been 10M instead of 20M, which he wouldn't have accepted, especially considering there was genuine interest from Juve and some PL clubs too. But 20M net was too good to turn down. See him play there for 2 years max. Then probably back to Serie A. I still see him at Inter eventually, or maybe Juve.Stunning.
Although I think we could have milked more than 15m out of a Suadi club.
Well said.the 20m offer become a 15m offer, which per recent leaks will be shortly under 10m
This is just ridiculous and terrible piece of business from Allemany and Deco.
The fact that we signed him for free doesn't mean that his value was 0 last summer.
Of course we slightly decreased his value with some terrible usage last season.
BUT, how much do you think AC Milan would sell him to any club?
At least 30-40m
Add now the fact that we are talking about a Saudi club (that pays him 20m NET wages LMAOL) we could drive that price further up.
Anything less than 30m for him is just totally unacceptable
We are the laughing stock of football business
This is just ridiculous and terrible piece of business from Allemany and Deco.
The fact that we signed him for free doesn't mean that his value was 0 last summer.
Wishes on a tiny budget.Gotta sell those Xavi 22/23 wishes to get those Xavi 23/24 wishes by any means possible.
Barca, never change.