Franck Ribery


Do ya feel lucky, punk?
Nothing from Ribery in first half, (vs. Olympique Lyonnaise).
Let's go, if he can do anything in second half.! FORCA!


Do ya feel lucky, punk?
Ribery is baked;lol
I'm waiting for Ribery..Can he score 2night? Of course no;D. The game was finished for him.

Red Card:$


Interista Paja Patak
He is an asshole..

If you want to keep your team spirit, please let him go to Real Merda, he will be perfect there...


Mike the Knife
life-lesson for franck ribery: stop fucking teenagers (literally AND metaphorically) it's bad karma.

Yeah, not a classy player after all...I really had liked him before the end of last season but that has dramatically come full circle now...I hope Barca has nothing to do with the player


It was a tackle which most of players have made in there life. It was just very badly timed.

Having said that, he is not the type of plaer i would want at Barca.

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