Frenkie de Jong

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Active member
You keep assuming 16 mil figure is gross, not net while the article says that he will earn 10+6. If gross, 5 mil + 3 in bonuses is a fine figure. I'd expect it be to in that range.

As I said, we have to wait for more reliable figures. I would assume it meant 10m net + 6m Signing bonus/5y= 11.2m per annum.


New member
I am going to change my username to BartomeuTheEternalPresident if FDJ fails at the club.

That is how much I believe in him.

All good but at the end of the day all you are and will be fighting for is the Eredivisie title and that is not going to change and not only that PSV has had the upper hand in recent years and this season as well.

You will need to bury all that money as you won't need it, lol.

No way of knowing whether de Light will have a greater chance of succeeding or not.

FDJ and Barça is a perfect match. The transfer fee will be nothing looking back. Potentially 10 years of service. What's not to like? Time to jump on the bandwagon head on, I tell you guys. My predictions very rarely fail.:bartomeu:

Its a weird situation. We will never be a TOP team anymore. European subtop is reasonable but never in the top 10. One of the weirder things is that Eredivisie is holding us back on the transfer market. We can technically allow ourselves a 200m transfer budget, maybe even more, but we will never be able to close good deals that way. Any player fairly rated at 30m will never ever want to play in NL. If we find one his wages will be totally out of line with the rest of the squad.

This season we signed Tadic and Blind. 2 proven players typically way above our budget. These guys came and earn a top salary but the squad can live with that. If you are 21 you can accept that Tadic earns more but when would buy a Brazilian talent of 19 for 30m it will cause friction when he earns 3m while a youth player gets 700k.. especially when the youth player outperforms him

Buying 30 year old players for 30m will never ever be accepted at Ajax

So yes, we can pretty much bury our money lol


Culé de Celestial Empire
No matter how much money we will actually be paying De Jong, we have to accept that again, footballers today are money-crazed and they and their agents will do everything to sweet up the package.

De Jong might have liked us better than other clubs but I am sure the 90m price plus the salary offer we gave them was a very decisive factor in him picking us. Money talks, sad reality.

Either way congrats to Ajax for making sooooooo much money. Perhaps they will emulate BVB in their business model.

Lutece FC

New member
No matter how much money we will actually be paying De Jong, we have to accept that again, footballers today are money-crazed and they and their agents will do everything to sweet up the package.

De Jong might have liked us better than other clubs but I am sure the 90m price plus the salary offer we gave them was a very decisive factor in him picking us. Money talks, sad reality.

Either way congrats to Ajax for making sooooooo much money. Perhaps they will emulate BVB in their business model.

Not today. It was always the case. Monet helped Barca to come back from a painful situation in 2003 with massive injection of cash by Laporta.

Money is the factor number 1, always was, and always will be. Then sportive challenge, and personal taste of the player/his entourage.

Barca proposed him an excellent salary, and a solid offer to Ajax. So yes, Money talks and will talk in the future. FFP is just a virtual manipulation in a Free Market.


New member
Its a weird situation. We will never be a TOP team anymore. European subtop is reasonable but never in the top 10. One of the weirder things is that Eredivisie is holding us back on the transfer market. We can technically allow ourselves a 200m transfer budget, maybe even more, but we will never be able to close good deals that way. Any player fairly rated at 30m will never ever want to play in NL. If we find one his wages will be totally out of line with the rest of the squad.

This season we signed Tadic and Blind. 2 proven players typically way above our budget. These guys came and earn a top salary but the squad can live with that. If you are 21 you can accept that Tadic earns more but when would buy a Brazilian talent of 19 for 30m it will cause friction when he earns 3m while a youth player gets 700k.. especially when the youth player outperforms him

Buying 30 year old players for 30m will never ever be accepted at Ajax

So yes, we can pretty much bury our money lol

I am always rooting for Ajax in the Netherlands and in Europe when we or AC Milan are out but it is what it is. Watched many of your games this season and the past one for betting reasons so I know most of your players rather well and the Eresdivies as a whole (always bet over 2.5 goals in each game, lol).
Football changed completely after Bosman and Ajax and the Eredivisie were one of the biggest losers. It is almost impossible to reverse. Only a future super league would change the fortune of clubs like Ajax.

So, yes, you are victims of your own success pretty much like the Portuguese clubs are. Benfica and Porto are earning fortunes every summer on Brazilian/South American talents that they buy for a peanuts and sell for 100 times the price. Yet they are unable to buy any established players to take the next step as the Portuguese league is what it is. Very poor with almost every club outside of the top 3 being bankrupt. Negative football etc. The economies of Porto and Benfica (shockingly enough) are struggling as well despite them earning tons of money on transfer fees.

Ajax being in the Netherlands, there is more "ordnung" than in Portugal so you guys will make better use of the money but again there are limits to what you can do with that money other than improving your stadium, club infrastructure, scouting network etc. If you start paying insane wages to every promising talent in the Netherlands or your players, you won't gain anything as that will become the norm.

Quite sad and I can't imagine how the old fanbase of Ajax has been cooping with this situation in the past 20+ years. From being one of the top dogs to basically a feeder club for the elite clubs of Europe whenever you guys have an generational talent or top talent in your ranks.

Not today. It was always the case. Monet helped Barca to come back from a painful situation in 2003 with massive injection of cash by Laporta.

Money is the factor number 1, always was, and always will be. Then sportive challenge, and personal taste of the player/his entourage.

Barca proposed him an excellent salary, and a solid offer to Ajax. So yes, Money talks and will talk in the future. FFP is just a virtual manipulation in a Free Market.

Keep telling yourself that money is the only motivating factor because you very well know that no top or elite player would ever have moved to QSG without your dirty and corrupt Qatari gas money. That the useless FFP is an unfair invention etc. In fact if the rules were followed and UEFA was not a corrupt entity lead by the idiot Infantino, fitting name for him, you would have been kicked out of the CL a long time ago. Your inflated sponsorship deals are stuff of tragicomical legends.

Obviously money is a huge motivating factor but there have been tons of players who have chosen the two Spanish giants over more economically attractive offers from other clubs. Because of the total package. Something that fans of QSG are not familiar with and likely never will be.

Try to control your butthurt for FDJ giving your the finger. I hope that the Barto Dog keeps fucking your QSG joke up. We should sign Rabiot on a free and sell him immediately to a top club and make your Bedouin sports director buy Rakitic for €80 million.:lol: Hopefully we and RM and our pressure will make UEFA ban you from the CL as well so you will lose Neymar and Mbappé. Both are going to move soon anyway but the Spanish press should continue to constantly unsettle them. Great fun.
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Senior Member
People need to understand that Barcelona is not just a football is a global criminal enterprise that conducts criminal activity on a international scale.

We have control of Catalan bank system and can manipulate it to our liking. We have money laundering agreements with the Chinese. In addition we have huge connections to various criminal/drug/cartel organizations in South America. Rosell (a noble man) took the fall for us when this was becoming exposed and now will have to spend a huge portion of his life in prison so that Barca can continue to operate (and greatly expand ) its criminal activity.

So there are more than likely millions and millions flowing into this club under criminal activity.
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Active member
After dortmung and liverpool the next club who is squeezing money out of us great!! So he chosed psg over us because of money and the only way to convince him to choose us is to give him more money? 90m and those wages are really worrying for a player who is not even better than arthur and could see easily the bench if we dont sell some of our players.

I am happy that we won him over psg but not like this. Barto cant stand to loose against psg so he gave them everything they wanted. Everyone is talking about rabiot which is not really compareable because he would come for free. Should have gone for rabiot and ndombele if you ask me. There is no way this guy is worth that much money.


New member
call it magic, call it truth..

[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="nl"><p lang="nl" dir="ltr">Hopen dat Frenkie de Jong die Iniesta magie terug kan brengen bij Barca 👑😍 <a href=""></a></p>— Jos Witt (@jos_witt) <a href="">23 januari 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Yes, thats why signing superstars are necessary to not fall off after Messi is gone. Thats why Coutinho, Dembele transfers aren't a surprise.
We built the biggest stadium in the world, but we are a club that is poorly ran by idiots? I don't think you understand a single thing that goes into running a football club, especially the biggest club in the world lol.
And I don't talk just about having a college degree, these people wouldn't get a job there if they weren't actually educated and had experience of running a business, what do you think if you were a cousin of Barto, he would give you a job there to run this club? To me it seems you don't know what does it mean being educated, I'm not talking about a degree, its something obtained over a lifetime.

You mean the same strategy that Madrid used and basically won fuck all with back in the 2000s? that same strategy we're trying to copy because of how incredibly unsuccessful it was?

So basically you're talking about experience, not education two very different things....

What does building a stadium have anything to do with your current board and their dealings???

It is not like bussines, it is bussines. Clubs have infrastructures, marketing dep., assets, projections, financial responsibilities, multiple streams of revenue...everything and more that an entertainment bussines is suppose to have.
The fact that board (usually) doesn t operate with their own money is meaningless and nothing uncommon. They are resonsible for their actions in any case.

Do i really need to clarify that i meant it in the sense of a traditional business? I specifically mentioned that football and sport in general has elements of a business. If you'd have cared to read the follow up post
Do you think we have the same financial oversights that a business has? or the reporting requirements behind it?
Also people who don't use their own money usually answer to someone/people who haave some form of oversight and stringent reporting requirements...

Your link is broken, Mind fixing it?
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Culé de Celestial Empire
After dortmung and liverpool the next club who is squeezing money out of us great!! So he chosed psg over us because of money and the only way to convince him to choose us is to give him more money? 90m and those wages are really worrying for a player who is not even better than arthur and could see easily the bench if we dont sell some of our players.

I am happy that we won him over psg but not like this. Barto cant stand to loose against psg so he gave them everything they wanted. Everyone is talking about rabiot which is not really compareable because he would come for free. Should have gone for rabiot and ndombele if you ask me. There is no way this guy is worth that much money.

I think if PSG had come up with a bigger check and fatter package De Jong might have picked PSG.

That said, it will be the same case with Rabiot who has been demanding even more than what we were offering him (10m salary plus 10m bonus). I am sure Ndombele would be demanding similar numbers. They are all the same.


Senior Member
Not today. It was always the case. Monet helped Barca to come back from a painful situation in 2003 with massive injection of cash by Laporta.

Money is the factor number 1, always was, and always will be. Then sportive challenge, and personal taste of the player/his entourage.

Barca proposed him an excellent salary, and a solid offer to Ajax. So yes, Money talks and will talk in the future. FFP is just a virtual manipulation in a Free Market.

R10 had a better offer than Barca in 2003, and Barca actually forced its senior players to decrease their salaries or leave, and many accepted to decrease their salary.
Not denying money has been always a huge factor, but you are stating a bad example. Laporta built a very good project and had struggled with money early on


This is quite reliable:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="nl"><p lang="nl" dir="ltr">Barcelona in Nederland om transfer Frenkie de Jong af te ronden. Transfersom van 75 miljoen euro (plus 7 miljoen euro aan mogelijke bonussen in de toekomst). Meer details zo op <a href=""></a> <a href="">#Ajax</a></p>— Freek Jansen (@FreekJansenVI) <a href="">23 januari 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

75 mil + 7 in add ons.


New member
You mean the same strategy that Madrid used and basically won fuck all with back in the 2000s? that same strategy we're trying to copy because of how incredibly unsuccessful it was?

So basically you're talking about experience, not education two very different things....

What does building a stadium have anything to do with your current board and their dealings???

They did what they had to and ended up being very successful in the end.

Yes education, you don't need to a degree paper to be educated.

Because our stadium is the biggest in the world and you said all of our revenue goes to our players wages, so how did we build the stadium then?


New member
This is quite reliable:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="nl"><p lang="nl" dir="ltr">Barcelona in Nederland om transfer Frenkie de Jong af te ronden. Transfersom van 75 miljoen euro (plus 7 miljoen euro aan mogelijke bonussen in de toekomst). Meer details zo op <a href=""></a> <a href="">#Ajax</a></p>— Freek Jansen (@FreekJansenVI) <a href="">23 januari 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

75 mil + 7 in add ons.

Agreed, VI is the most reliable source in Holland. Freek Jansen is a well respected journalist who doesn't speculate.

Glad it isn't 90m!
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