Frenkie de Jong

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It's not blame shifting. The team moves well and is intense, he plays well more often than not. The team is slow, lethargic, he makes more mistakes. It's quite normal. That's how you explain a crap game after a very good one 3 days ago. Team vs Celta was good physically, today they were slow, sluggish, and dominated physically by Sevilla.

The main reason why he's been disappointing is that the fitness level of the team in these 14 months since he signed has been usually way lower than his own.


Senior Member
Football can be brutal though where the hype generated by fans can be the very same thing they hold against you. Not living up to it, ridiculous expectations etc.

It's quite easy to forget that prior to Frenkie's breakout year in 18/19 he was still floating between Ajax II and being played as a centre-back mostly in 17/18. Footballers that get signed for big money aren't afforded any time or patience from fans, or if they are, it quickly runs out.

Ultimately, he's still a young lad in a foreign country, adopting to a new culture, teammates and a club who in his first year was an absolute shit-show. He deserves time.
Here's the BIG problem with Frenkie. He passes the ball to the opposition.

He makes square passes in our defensive third and as often than not they arrive at the feet of the opposition

That makes him more or less useless as a Barcelona player.

El Gato

It's not blame shifting. The team moves well and is intense, he plays well more often than not. The team is slow, lethargic, he makes more mistakes. It's quite normal. That's how you explain a crap game after a very good one 3 days ago. Team vs Celta was good physically, today they were slow, sluggish, and dominated physically by Sevilla.

The main reason why he's been disappointing is that the fitness level of the team in these 14 months since he signed has been usually way lower than his own.

It's classic blame shifting we all know you love. Typical Pique-esque 'tis not me, tis the team/I'll be first to go but it's the team really not any one person'. Proved it by defending Semedo at every opportunity, proved it by being stuck so far up Setien's ass from the start you couldn't see the sun from behind the turds you squeeze out.. Most of us have you figured out bruh.

Let's see if he forms a bond with Depay, should he come in. It might actually help the case. Right now FDJ is uninspiring as the guy you trust with making most of these commanding passes. Very chequered, forces the matter too much, lacks trust in his teammates, possibly even encouraged by the manager in an unhealthy way.
We'll see how situation evolves, but if it's as patchy, he'll be on of the culprits by the end of season if Barca do not progress under Koeman WRT controlling games against better sides.


Senior Member
It's classic blame shifting we all know you love. Typical Pique-esque 'tis not me, tis the team/I'll be first to go but it's the team really not any one person'. Proved it by defending Semedo at every opportunity, proved it by being stuck so far up Setien's ass from the start you couldn't see the sun from behind the turds you squeeze out.. Most of us have you figured out bruh.

Let's see if he forms a bond with Depay, should he come in. It might actually help the case. Right now FDJ is uninspiring as the guy you trust with making most of these commanding passes. Very chequered, forces the matter too much, lacks trust in his teammates, possibly even encouraged by the manager in an unhealthy way.
We'll see how situation evolves, but if it's as patchy, he'll be on of the culprits by the end of season if Barca do not progress under Koeman WRT controlling games against better sides.

Such a classless post :lol: Probably because you've been exposed for not knowing the offside rules.

If there was a prize for the biggest hypocrite on this place you'd win it for sure Mr Bezema is crap and Jovic is the nipple in the tit. Blame shifting :rofl1:... You're a master at that.
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Senior Member
🗣 ? Koeman: "De Jong lost possession a lot today, and I don't think he will be happy about it. It happens to many players. He performed well last in the two matches, but that wasn't the case today, unfortunately."


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His vision isn't there. Ansu made a great run which Frenkie easily should've spotted, instead he passed to Messi who had to hit a perfect pass because the space for Ansu had decreased tenfold.


Well-known member
🗣 ? Koeman: "De Jong lost possession a lot today, and I don't think he will be happy about it. It happens to many players. He performed well last in the two matches, but that wasn't the case today, unfortunately."

To be fair he does try forward passes ... Messi is the same and it?s Messi who gives the ball away more than anyone checking the stats
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