I'm talking as a general perspective. Sure, there are british fans that don't care about Bale, but most of them (or a big part of them) think whatever comes from Premier League is solid gold, especially if they have some british genes in them. They tend to overrate players that played in their league or are in some way related with british football.
English media is also the entity that came out with revelatory lines like: "Messi would struggle in a cold night at the Britannia". As if winning at Stoke is a mountain to climb compared to winning at Bernabeu for instance.
I'm pretty sure that if you make a poll amongst british fans, most of them will say Ronaldo is a better player than Messi.
Yeah that's why I said "watch who you paint with the generic brush lol", aka general perspective, and I'm saying speaking in general is bad. It's an ugly way of thinking and it's not most or a big part, it's a minority. Welshies may follow Bale because he's Welsh, Spurs fans may hold him as part of the family, but anyone outside of Wales or Spurs I guarantee couldn't give one or would be the vast minority.
Don't get me started on British media, they suck balls. They try and hype up the England games ahead of the WC & Euro's but are very quick to criticize and generally rip them a part. God forbid they play well because then they're all over it saying they'll win the entire tournament. Fickle & brain dead.
Negative, Ronaldo is ex Man U, the none Man U fans are brought up to mega loathe Man Ure. Only plastics love that s.o.b & FIFA kids. Sure you get actual football fans that may respect him, but they would respect both. You get good & bad no matter where you're from.
Oh actually that just reminded me, there was a poll run during the beginning of the WC on ITV I believe it was, asking who is the best, Ronaldo or Messi; it was close but Messi tipped it about 54-58%, the football experts as well as that twat Adrian Chiles favoured Messi too. Same on Xbox One's WC app, they asked the community who was better. In my region & country the poll was a land slide in Messi's favour, Worldwide it went fairly equal but Messi won.