Gerard Deulofeu


New member
It is 5 years now since Crystina last played in England and in that time the standard of defending has definitely dropped imo. Premier League players are probably better at aerial duels because the ball spends more time in the air in England than in Spain, but the overall standard of the two Leagues is quite similar. I have seen some truly appalling "defending" in the Prem this season.:amazed:

Next season, should Everton exercise their re-loan option for the 2014-15 campaign, I can only see him gaining more play time and ever improving performances as a result.


Mike the Knife
"They either have regressed or have suffered the toll of a long season that has been compounded by a lack of depth in their squad"

We don't have a lack of depth. We had 8 first team starters out around January. There's not a team in the world that would have coped with that. We've won the last 4 and that's without Jagielka (England's first choice center back) and Pienaar as well as the long terms.

Anyway, great game from Deulofeu. You can see how much he's progressing from his workrate and decision making. He could be a world class player but he needs to continue to realize that it's a team game and being the star man for a mid-table La Liga team playing against weak defenders is not the answer.

Pienaar is an average player...Your team is a shadow of the side it was the first half of the season...You've been unlucky with injuries but the energy level & sharpness in midfield is not the same...Toffees now look like a counter attacking side, sitting back and soaking up pressure before releasing their wide men to play off Lukaku...Martinez will have to shoulder some blame for this too because it's not all down to injuries to explain the inconsistency

But let's be honest, they're exceeding expectations under Roberto anyway...As for Deulofeu, he's earned more minutes than he's gotten and compounded with a playing style that is moving away from what Barcelona hopes from him, there's not much point to staying at Everton...As it is, I still think he'll be in preseason with Barcelona and if he doesn't remain with the 1st team for the season he should go to a Primera side where he'd see far more playing time

He's too big a talent to languish on the bench at a small club like Everton when minutes was the purpose of the loan...But I do love Toffee fans claiming to know the player and his weaknesses/strengths when most Barcelona fans have followed the player for years

Weak defending?...That's precious English myopia, I'll tell ya...Deulofeu has torched defenders left & right in the much hyped Premiership


New member
Pienaar is an average player, I agree. But he's experienced and retains the ball.

I also agree that we've changed our tactics in the last couple of games to be a counter attacking team but quite frankly the Everton fans have been crying out for that. Playing the Barca style is difficult when you're faced with breaking down good defences. Look what happened to Barca against Bayern last season. Sometimes it makes more sense to play on the counter and quite frankly I'm delighted Martinez has shown he's not a one trick pony and can adapt to the teams he's playing against which I wasn't too sure he could. It made total sense to play that way against Swansea (a very good possession team) and Newcastle away. Plus we won both games scoring 3 goals in each game.

How exactly have we been inconsistent? The only team to have less defeats than us is Chelsea and the 3 games we lost around January where due to all our injuries and even then they where all away from home and Chelsea scored in the last minute and Spurs with their only attack of the game. We've won the last 4 since then.

They're not exceeding my expectations this season with the team we have. That's just media bullshit that think the sun shines out the asses of certain big money teams in the premiership.

But back to the point. Minutes weren't the purpose of the loan. Developing the player was.

Have you watched all his games in the premiership? There's been games where he's been frustrating to say the least and been owned by those defenders. Watching him play for a youth team doesn't give you any idea what he could do against professionals. How many goals did Bojan score for Barca B?

btw - The overall standard of the premier league has probably stayed the same if not actually improved. Even from a technical point of view it's moving much towards La Liga with teams like Arsenal, Everton, Swansea and Southampton playing a high pressing possession based game. It's just the teams at the top haven't kept pace with the top teams in Europe because they soak up all the money but that's the reason why it's the most competitive league in the world with everyone beating everyone on their day.
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New member
Weak defending?...That's precious English myopia, I'll tell ya...Deulofeu has torched defenders left & right in the much hyped Premiership
Like the same old retarded argument that Messi would struggle to score many goals in England, up against the likes of the mighty Senderos, Steven Taylor and Michael Dawson. :rofl1:


New member
Watching him play for a youth team doesn't give you any idea what he could do against professionals. How many goals did Bojan score for Barca B?
He may have played for Barca B (Barcelona's second team) but they play in the Second Tier of Spanish football, against grown professional men, the equivalent of your Championship, but admittedly not as competitive. But I get the point your trying to make.


New member
Barca B are the youth development team for Barcelona plus I took it from FCBarca's comment that he was talking about since the he was a kid.

Messi would bang them in wherever he played, as did Ronaldo and Bale. Messi is one of the greatest if not the greatest players ever but that irrelevant. The premier league is a much more physical league where defenders are actually allowed to tackle unlike La Liga which is quite frankly a bit like Basketball in the sense that it's non-contact. Attacking players can have a field day in La Liga however it's not really about the players but rather the referees and the culture of the game. It's actually interesting that in one of Deulofeu's first games he got brought down and showed an imaginary yellow card to try and get the player booked and the opposition team had a go at him. Martinez basically said that in the premiership players don't do that and that's something he has to learn.

But it will do Deulofeu good. If he can learn to turn it on against the top defenders of the premiership he will come back to you and be one of the best just like Ronaldo did for Real.

Also just remember. His two best games, at home to Stoke and tonight where against young inexperienced defenders.
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New member
Barca B are the youth development team for Barcelona.
Predominantly, yes! But it is not entirely filled with kids, and the teams that they play against are NOT made up of youths either. There are clubs B teams that play/have played in Segunda División such as Villarreal B, Real Madrid Castilla etc but its largely made up of Senior teams.

Messi is one of the greatest if not the greatest players ever but that irrelevant. The premier league is a much more physical league ...
The EPL is more physically demanding league, this I agree. But I wouldn't say that the referees allow certain fouls go, it's just that players in Spain know how to draw technical fouls by protecting the ball which they are encouraged to do more. For example David Silva manages to do this very well, a Spanish player playing in England.

But it will do Deulofeu good. If he can learn to turn it on against the top defenders of the premiership he will come back to you and be one of the best just like Ronaldo did for Real.
Yes please! :) :friends:


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
actually allowed to tackle unlike La Liga which is quite frankly a bit like Basketball in the sense that it's non-contact.

Atletico and Real get away with fouling on a consistent basis, players like Pepe and Costa and Ramos "tackle" a hell of a lot more than anyone in the PL.


New member
Yea I know but the point I wanted to make was the reason why Barca own the B team is to develop their youth players which makes it their youth team.

Players in the premiership know how to protect the ball too. Most of the players aren't even from the UK, the leagues are all made up of international players. It's the referees, culture and fans (the EPL fans demand a quicker game) that make the leagues different.

One of the big differences is that yellow cards are issued much quicker in Spain and that stops players taking risks with tackles ultimately making it more of a non contact game. Those players mentioned certainly tackle a lot but they play the game also i.e. pretend their injured far more also than EPL palyers. That kind amateur dramatics stuff just wouldn't be tolerated although I'll be honest it's creeping in more and more which is a shame.


Wild Man of Borneo
The PL's biggest trademark is the pacy, end-to-end game with large physical demands. It's an advantage in the sense that it'd develop the counterattacking side of a player's game as well as aerial ability and stamina but it has many downfalls as well. Being such a chaotic style of football with the hoof-balls down the field and lack of true buildup play, the tactical side of a player's game isn't really built (positional awareness in a disciplined system and being involved in buildup). Also, it's not truly a league that would allow you to develop any technical skill, it's just an easy place to use it given the space and quickness of people charging at you.

In La liga in a team that's reasonably controlled on the ball, he could have a continuous stream of involvement rather than be chasing down moments to grab his spotlight and do something in such a wild environment. He'd have to have smart movement rather than make headless chicken runs. His defensive workrate would be zonal marking and pressing rather than running up and down the pitch wasting energy. The PL is a raw environment, it's not going to refine a raw player. La liga will refine him, it'll make him smarter and more well rounded than aggressive (not aggressive as in attitude, but in energy use and style of play).

His experience in the PL will be valuable, no doubt. I've already seen him buckle down a lot more, increase his workrate, and start developing against top level defenders. Now it's time for him to refine his abilities into a consistent output and develop a role. I feel he'd do that best in La Liga, probably in a team like Sevilla or Celta. He'll have all the time in the world to fight for his place and be the small fish in the ocean at Barca upon his return, right now he just needs to fix his on-field tendencies as a player.


Cristiano Ronaldo said that the La Liga defenders where far weaker than the premiership and he's played against both so I think his opinion is worth more than yours.

Where did I say anything to the contrary of this?

But I'm not bashing Deulofeu. I think he's brilliant however he's still just turned 20. Barca are one of the top 3 teams in world football and I'm comparing him to your standards which are the highest they can be.

You seem to rate us a lot higher than we do.

But you're wrong anyway. He wouldn't be starting every game if we owned him. Barkley who's the same age and possibly, in fact probably (btw you should see the goal he scored tonight) is better at the moment and he doesn't play every game.

Barkley doesn't have nearly the potential Gerard has, though, and from what I can see Barkley is a midfielder, while Gerard plays on the wing, a position in which Everton is very weak in.

I think the problem is that when our team is fully fit you don't realize the level we're at - which quite frankly isn't too far off the leaders.

Whether you're as good as Liverpool, Chelsea, and City is up for debate (Not really, but I'll spare your feelings), but that's not relevant to Deulofeu's development by any means. If anything, you being as good as you claim is just another reason why Gerard should return to Spain.

If you think what he needs is an ego boost being the star man playing every week at a mid table La Liga side or meaningless minutes for Barca then fair enough but I think that's the last thing he needs.

Who said anything about an ego boost? The kid is going to have an ego either way, it's in his nature. That ego would vanish were he to return to Barca, until he establishes himself as one of the top dogs, and then it will return. You don't just make an arrogant person not be arrogant by sitting them on the bench.

And if anything is meaningless, more or less this entire loan spell with Everton has been just that. He tracks back now to help the defense. Yay. Now why can't he get any minutes? All you do is try to knock him down to convince us we should be on board with him returning to Everton. His play is at it's usual fantastic level and he now has a solid defensive workrate. We can handle his development from here, and he is OUR player, not yours. Sending him to a club in Spain so he can adapt to the league and play a style of football more similar to what he'll get from Iniesta, Xavi, and Messi will only do him good, "Weak defenders" or not.

Pienaar is an average player, I agree. But he's experienced and retains the ball.

I also agree that we've changed our tactics in the last couple of games to be a counter attacking team but quite frankly the Everton fans have been crying out for that. Playing the Barca style is difficult when you're faced with breaking down good defences. Look what happened to Barca against Bayern last season. Sometimes it makes more sense to play on the counter and quite frankly I'm delighted Martinez has shown he's not a one trick pony and can adapt to the teams he's playing against which I wasn't too sure he could. It made total sense to play that way against Swansea (a very good possession team) and Newcastle away. Plus we won both games scoring 3 goals in each game.

So why can't Deulofeu play again?

How exactly have we been inconsistent? The only team to have less defeats than us is Chelsea and the 3 games we lost around January where due to all our injuries and even then they where all away from home and Chelsea scored in the last minute and Spurs with their only attack of the game. We've won the last 4 since then.

Inconsistent in your performances. A 0-0 draw shouldn't happen at Crystal Palace when you're fighting for a top 4 place. You've scraped by with a lot, and I do mean a LOT, of 1-0 victories. You've been far from convincing, and tuning in every week to see our brightest prospect play and only seeing him for 5-10 minutes week after week, month after month, is tiring, especially with the sloppy wing play I have to put up with when watching Pienaar and Miralles.

But back to the point. Minutes weren't the purpose of the loan. Developing the player was.

The playing time clause in the loan contract says otherwise.

Have you watched all his games in the premiership? There's been games where he's been frustrating to say the least and been owned by those defenders. Watching him play for a youth team doesn't give you any idea what he could do against professionals. How many goals did Bojan score for Barca B?

Since you previously arbitrarily brought Ronaldo up allow me to do the same. Have you seen all of Ronaldo's games? There are games where he, too, is frustrating, even to the legions of Madridistas who bow down to him. He, too, gets owned by defenders and even goes games without scoring a single goal or grabbing a single assist! And I'm not just talking about vs Barca, either. By the way, Barca B do play professionals (Zaragoza, Mallorca, Almeria, Valladolid... teams that often find themselves in the top flight of Spain), and by the way, Bojan barely played for Barca B.

My point is not every game is going to be perfect, especially from a young player playing outside of his comfort zone. We could develop him here just fine. The notion that we have too many wingers is false. We have three, with a lot of wingers who are rarely if ever used. If Tata wanted to he could easily find space for him. We could also send him to a La Liga side who would get him far more valuable experience as a starter.

btw - The overall standard of the premier league has probably stayed the same if not actually improved. Even from a technical point of view it's moving much towards La Liga with teams like Arsenal, Everton, Swansea and Southampton playing a high pressing possession based game. It's just the teams at the top haven't kept pace with the top teams in Europe because they soak up all the money but that's the reason why it's the most competitive league in the world with everyone beating everyone on their day.

Arsenal has lost 7-0 to Liverpool and 6-0 to Chelsea. The only case of this "Anyone can beat anyone" myth is with Manchester United, and on that front it's more of a "Anyone can beat United if they try hard enough". There are the occasional upsets, but then, the same goes for La Liga. It's hard to say if the BPL is the most competitive league right now simply because of how much of a mess it is. Chelsea leads but they have two games on hand over 2nd place, and one over third. Everton has a game on hand over Arsenal but trails by 6. On La Liga's side it's clear how tight it is. The champion very well could be decided by Head to head competition.

Barca B are the youth development team for Barcelona plus I took it from FCBarca's comment that he was talking about since the he was a kid.

Thank you so much for informing us of this.

Messi would bang them in wherever he played, as did Ronaldo and Bale. Messi is one of the greatest if not the greatest players ever but that irrelevant. The premier league is a much more physical league where defenders are actually allowed to tackle unlike La Liga which is quite frankly a bit like Basketball in the sense that it's non-contact. Attacking players can have a field day in La Liga however it's not really about the players but rather the referees and the culture of the game. It's actually interesting that in one of Deulofeu's first games he got brought down and showed an imaginary yellow card to try and get the player booked and the opposition team had a go at him. Martinez basically said that in the premiership players don't do that and that's something he has to learn.

Ignorant English fan detected. I wonder if you've ever even watched a single La Liga game with comments like this.

But it will do Deulofeu good. If he can learn to turn it on against the top defenders of the premiership he will come back to you and be one of the best just like Ronaldo did for Real.

Oh yeah, right. Deulofeu will be much better at beating Sergio Ramos and Pepe because he developed beating the "Top defenders" in nameless Crystal Palace defender #1 and nameless Crystal Palace defender #2. Unless you're saying he'd be playing against Chelsea and Man City... in which case, I call bullshit.

Also just remember. His two best games, at home to Stoke and tonight where against young inexperienced defenders.


I would keep doing this but all your posts are basically the same. You clearly have no clue whatsoever and just really want Deulofeu to stay.



Is it just me or has he lost some weight?


New member
I said we where close to the leaders, not better. Ultimately the league table doesn't lie. But we've 3 games against Utd, City and Arsenal coming up so we will soon see. This time we may even be able to field a fit first team.

"Inconsistent in your performances. A 0-0 draw shouldn't happen at Crystal Palace"

Manchester City have been beaten by Aston Villa and Cardiff too. One of those will get relegated this season too.
Chelsea have been beaten by Everton, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland and Stoke. Again by another team that could be relegated.

Plus even taking draws. West Brom have drawn against Chelsea (twice), Everton (twice), Liverpool, Tottenham and Arsenal. And that's a team that's going to get relegated.

The reason why? Because the EPL is far more competitive due to the fact there's more TV money and it's shared between the clubs more evenly. It's also the reason why the EPL teams are having a hard time in Europe.

Think what you want. Ultimately the decision rests with Deulofeu because I think Barca want him to stay for another year now and he wants to go back which is understandable. I don't think us talking bullshit about it will make a difference either way.

However personally I think he would be starting next season. Pienaar is finished, too old and slow and doesn't create anything and Mirallas is frustrating and inconsistent and unfortunately never went to the next level that we hoped he would after a very promising first season, I wouldn't be surprised if we sold him in the summer.

I can see us buying another winger and if Deulofeu stays he will get rotated with him and McGeady with Deulofeu and the new winger being the two regular starters. But in the premiership very few players play every game. It's too physically demanding. Which is what I think you would have seen if he never got injured and what you'll see from now until the end, there's 8 games left and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts 4 or 5 of them.

I do think he'll play against either Utd, City or Arsenal in the run in. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he starts all three.

That's the reason he didn't play on Saturday. We had much harder game against Newcastle on Tuesday and wanted to keep him fresh. Do you think playing two games in such a short space of time is good for someone coming back from a hamstring injury? Martinez has been very careful with him and while it doesn't make sense to you he really puts the players above even us which as an Everton fan can piss us off. i.e. Letting Jelavic be sold so he could get playing time before the world cup even when we didn't have a striker to cover and then Lukaku got injured.

But sure if he goes back it will just give me another reason to watch Barca, I don't really support any other team. I just like watching individual players and it will be cool if he goes on to be a real world class player knowing we had him even if it was just for a season. I just hope he makes the right decision.

btw - The talk of the new winger is Carles Gil loaned from Valencia to Elche. He looks really good. What do you think, Is there any chance on him leaving?

I watch La Liga every week. The refereeing is different, softer cards are given and players drop to the floor while shielding the ball from the faintest of touches whenever they're in a difficult position and risk loosing it. Barca quite frankly are the masters at it. You call them technical fouls and they are but in England they tend not to be given as much. Ultimately football is a contact sport, there's the argument that the touch has to be enough to actually bring him down and then the opposing view that he does he have a right to go down even if it isn't. In Spain refs lean to the latter and that makes it closer to being non-contact.

Even the game last night you could see a number of times Deulofeu went to ground looking for the freekick when it was never given, he wasn't diving he just thought he was fouled so went over. It's just a different culture.

btw - I'm Irish not English. Don't insult me :)
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