Gerard Deulofeu


Senior Member
Don't get it also, but hopefully they have some plan we don't know. Otherwise this is stupid, Delou would be getting a lot of chances, now we have 4 players for 3 positions, or only 3 for 2 months. Again, I can't belive they are so stupid so obviuosly something is going on.


Active member
Hmm, strange move indeed. So if our best front 3 is Neymar Messi Suarez (post ban), the only established player we would have as a backup for ANY 3 of those guys not playing (which would happen a LOT) is Pedro? That doesn't seem right.. I

get that Gerard isn't established either, but I really thought he was going to be a first team player this season with the unveiling and all that jazz, so it seems strange you'd let him go on loan unless you had something in mind. I didn't think we were going to

get Cuadrado this season uptil now, when it just seems to be the only explanation, because otherwise we are really short on squad depth aren't we? I mean Bale Benzema Ronaldo Rodriguez Jese Di Maria..That's depth on another level but having just Pedro and

calling up some players from the B team when required seems a bit underwhelming no?

We are fine, Pedro is a great squad player and Cuadrado will probably come which would give us 5 forwards. Di Maria may leave Real which would leave them with 5 too and we have Rafina who can play as a forward, to be honest I would rather be in our situation than theirs.


We are fine, Pedro is a great squad player and Cuadrado will probably come which would give us 5 forwards. Di Maria may leave Real which would leave them with 5 too and we have Rafina who can play as a forward, to be honest I would rather be in our situation than theirs.

We are anything but fine. Rafinha is no forward. Bravo can play CB too, doesn't mean we could play him there.


Active member
RM's definition of depth is insane and selfish. All they did was buy unnecessary players who will end up costing the ones who've been there longer minutes so having players of that caliber isn't always smart.

Now I don't think we're in a great spot but if we get Cuadrado we'll have a good amount of depth and players who are on different levels of each other.


Active member
You guys are nuts, we have Suarez, Neymar, Messi & Pedro with the strong possibility of Cuadrado arriving soon. There is no team in the world, not even Real who would have such a strong forward line and you guys think don't think we are in a great spot:wacko:


You guys are nuts, we have Suarez, Neymar, Messi & Pedro with the strong possibility of Cuadrado arriving soon. There is no team in the world, not even Real who would have such a strong forward line and you guys think don't think we are in a great spot:wacko:

Nuts is someone who think that 4 players are gonna be available for a full season with no injuries, suspensions or poor form. As a matter of fact we don't even have 4 forwards available now. It's like 2 and a Neymar coming back from a bad injury now for the next months. Yeah amazing depth!


Active member
4 players so far plus Cuadrado who will probably be signed, and that will give us 5. We don't need any more than that, you can't have 6 or 7 forwards that is crazy. We have as much depth in that area as anyone, I don't know why you are looking for a problem where there isn't one.


4 players so far plus Cuadrado who will probably be signed, and that will give us 5. We don't need any more than that, you can't have 6 or 7 forwards that is crazy. We have as much depth in that area as anyone, I don't know why you are looking for a problem where there isn't one.

What do we do while we wait for Neymar to recover from injury, Suarez to serve his ban, and Cuadrado to actually sign? B team players? Seems somewhat underwhelming unless Lucho plans on using Munir a lot during this period.


New member
what i find weird is that Lucho specifically asked for Deulofeu to be brought back from loan. He *wanted* him. How do you blow a chance like that?


Danger Ahead
what i find weird is that Lucho specifically asked for Deulofeu to be brought back from loan. He *wanted* him. How do you blow a chance like that?

I think that Lucho and Zubi had a puzzle how to accomodate all players while having in mind that Xavi and Alves most likely will leave next season, having transfer ban looming, having versatile Rafinha who needs playing time and also having players like Adama and Munir who are knocking on first teams door.


Active member
What do we do while we wait for Neymar to recover from injury, Suarez to serve his ban, and Cuadrado to actually sign? B team players? Seems somewhat underwhelming unless Lucho plans on using Munir a lot during this period.

Neymar should be back soon and Cuadrado will hopefully be signed before the season starts. I don't think there is any team who has more than 5 forwards except Real who are looking to sell Di Maria, and if you get 2 or 3 players out then you have to deal with it as you can't have more than 5 forwards if you want to keep them all happy. We will just have to deal with it until Suarez comes back but we knew that before we signed him. I would have preferred to keep Deulofeu but there must be a good reason to let him go.


Senior Member
Even if Deulofeu has got some problems it is lucho job to fix them

Lucho knows more about him and about his current and future abilities, than we do.
He either:
a) thinks that Deulo will never be good enough for Barca, but sent him on a loan to give him a last chance to prove himself there and earn another chance in Barca in a Season or two
b) thinks that Deulo could be good one day, but that that he is knowhere good enough for Barca currently, and that Lucho doesn't have too many room to give him first team chances in Barca this Season.
So, his only chance currently is to go somewhere else and to regularly play.
BUT! He will have to be awesome in another club.
Another average or poor senior Season surely won't bring him a new chance in Barca, but another loan next summer, or he will be sold.
So, he will have to shine this Season if he wants to get another chance in Barca.

People here are assuming the option:
c) Deulo is good enough already and only needs to be given chances in Barca and everything will happen "naturally"
Plus, he will surely be a first 11 material for Barca in the future.

Lucho doesn't think that way, it seems.
Either is Lucho wrong, or forum members are giving too much credit to Deulofeu.

Again, what has exactly Deulo done till now on a senior level to get a chance in Barca?
Not too much, except that he is being hailed as the greatest current La Masia potential.

People say that Lucho should teach him and "fix" his flaws, like not tracking back, low workrate, selfishness (or even the attitude problems) etc.
Maybe Lucho thinks that these skills are such a huge part of Deulo's style and personality that they aren't repairable.

Lucho knows much better if his flaws can or can not be fixed.
If the flaws are so big, none coach in the world can fix them. They are just part of the player's skills/playing style/DNA, and he will carry them forever.

Lucho probably thinks that his set of skills/player's personality is not what Barca needs (maybe only currently, maybe forever)
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Lucho knows more about him and about his current and future abilities, than we do.
He either:
a) thinks that Deulo will never be good enough for Barca, but sent him on a loan to give him a last chance to prove himself there and earn another chance in Barca in a Season or two
b) thinks that Deulo could be good one day, but that that he is knowhere good enough for Barca currently, and that Lucho doesn't have too many room to give him first team chances in Barca this Season.
So, his only chance currently is to go somewhere else and to regularly play.
BUT! He will have to be awesome in another club.
Another average or poor senior Season surely won't bring him a new chance in Barca, but another loan next summer, or he will be sold.
So, he will have to shine this Season if he wants to get another chance in Barca.

People here are assuming the option:
c) Deulo is good enough already and only needs to be given chances in Barca and everything will happen "naturally"
Plus, he will surely be a first 11 material for Barca in the future.

Lucho doesn't think that way, it seems.
Either is Lucho wrong, or forum members are giving too much credit to Deulofeu.

Again, what has exactly Deulo done till now on a senior level to get a chance in Barca?
Not too much, except that he is being hailed as the greatest current La Masia potential.

People say that Lucho should teach him and "fix" his flaws, like not tracking back, low workrate, selfishness (or even the attitude problems) etc.
Maybe Lucho thinks that these skills are such a huge part of Deulo's style and personality that they aren't repairable.

Lucho knows much better if his flaws can or can not be fixed.
If the flaws are so big, none coach in the world can fix them. They are just part of the player's skills/playing style/DNA, and he will carry them forever.

Lucho probably thinks that his set of skills/player's personality is not what Barca needs (maybe only currently, maybe forever)

But you dont need to watch Deulofeu many times to see that he has something very few players have att his age, at any age, to then give him so few minutes in the friendlies is not to give him a chance to prove himself.
It must be more than his wiorkrate is bad or that he doesnt track back properly. seems very strange to me anyway.


Senior Member
But you dont need to watch Deulofeu many times to see that he has something very few players have att his age, at any age, to then give him so few minutes in the friendlies is not to give him a chance to prove himself.
It must be more than his wiorkrate is bad or that he doesnt track back properly. seems very strange to me anyway.

He has some attacking power which other players don't have (Pedro, for example).
But he also lacks in other departments.

Currently he is:
-- mocking other players, which Pedro never does
-- he is not tracking back, which Pedro does
-- he is not passing the ball to his teammates who are in better positions, which Pedro does
-- his general workrate is much weaker than other players

So, one player is a sum of a lot of things.
A sum of mental, technical, physical and tactical skills.

Pedro is being trashed on our forum because he is not that good in dribbling and scoring lately.
But he is good in other areas (mental, tactical, for example).

Deulo has a huge potential in technical area, but he is currently very poor in some other areas.

So, it is a little weird, at least for me, that Pedro is getting so much hate because of his technical flaws, from 80-90% of our fans.
But Deulo is getting praise and unlimited amount of credits from probably 80-90% of our fans, even though it seems that he has much more un-repairable critical flaws than Pedro. In much more different areas.

Imo, it shows a huge bias by our fans towards young/future gems.
And overrating of their current and future abilities.


Senior Member
We are fine, Pedro is a great squad player and Cuadrado will probably come which would give us 5 forwards. Di Maria may leave Real which would leave them with 5 too and we have Rafina who can play as a forward, to be honest I would rather be in our situation than theirs.

Well, first up, my concern was aired if things stood as is. Cuadrado transfer isn't looking very likely, and the talks have slowly been fizzling out. He may still come, but I am looking at the current scenario assuming he doesn't come (likely scenario), then we just have Pedro to cover for 3 people. He is a good squad player, but you have to understand it isn't Fifa where you have your set formation and you put some healing items on people...People get injured..heck what about people being out of form? Through the season there are players who will be in and out of form with the exception of Messi - and what then? 4 players for 3 positions seems very sparse. If Cuadrado does come, I think we will be okay, but I would think another squad player, someone who isn't a big name but has good potential, someone like Gerard would have been good, making it 6 for 3 positions, of which 4 are top players competing for a spot, pedro being a good squad player and gerard getting his chances with the inevitable injury/out of form/rest games against smaller teams..

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