Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
At least he respects the shirt and is a man of his word. He was one of the best CB in the world for a very long time.

And to say he was a clown after 2015 is wildly inaccurate. He has had a few good seasons since then. Out of the old guard, he has been miles better and more consistent than both Alba and Busquets.

Respect for retiring like he said he would. Thank you for all the trophies. He wasnt ever a pussy player, diver or whiner on the pitch. We'd be lucky to have another CB like him anytime soon.


Senior Member
He was absolutely elite alongside Puyol and after that, Mascherano. I will always thank him for that and thank him for absolutely being clutch defending some star strikers like prime CR7, prime Rooney, and prime Lewy. He is a club legend, regardless of how bad and embarrassing these last few years were.


Senior Member
I'm slightly less angry about him for leaving in January (thought he will drag it further) But I still think it's a bit too late. Perplexed


Culé de Celestial Empire
Bye bye Legend. :pique1:

Perhaps one day Pique will be back taking the club to a new height as an executive, president or not.


Well-known member

Xavi still rocking the same hairstyle. Looks similar too.


Senior Member
Genuinely the best news of the month.

He was excellent for 3-4 years but has been nothing but a cancer since 2015.

7 years too late, adios AMIGO!


Senior Member
I sense he needs to cut the attachment on trying to keep up being a professional football to get his personal life back in balance. Everything he has been going through (chronic injuries, divorce, separation) can not have been easy.

Of course from a sporting side I am delighted we can move forward past these hugely influential players who no longer can perform at the top level for extended periods.

But forgetting all that for a second. What an absolute legend who was part of our best ever teams. It's a sad day when you realise you grew up with this generation, you are all getting old, and the best days are all behind.


Senior Member
Don't know how to feel about him , on the plus side he was goated for a few years , provided outstanding performances when we were dominant as fuck , the Manita gesture, but on the minus side he is cancer anywhere since 15/16 with some prime performances once a year.

Thanks for the good memories but this should have happened around 5 years ago , at least.


Senior Member
Puyol on IG: "Thanks for everything Geri, I am in shock. We have been very unfair to you, few players have defended the Bar?a shirt as you have done. I will always say that I was lucky and privileged to play alongside you. I love you very much, friend."


You're welcome
lol this guy is a joke and so is his dumb farewell video that just tries to make him seem to come out on top and have bested the fans and point finger at them as the ones that should be embarrassed instead of him. Massive ego.

Also, why was he being all dramatic about quitting before coming off the bench if he considers himself one of the most passionate cules?

Also, someone should take away social media from Puyol. These guys are slowly descending into madness having too much free time on their hands. Go do full time volunteering at a soup kitchen or something.
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