Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
lol this guy is a joke and so is his dumb farewell video that just tries to make him seem to come out on top and have bested the fans and point finger at them as the ones that should be embarrassed instead of him. Massive ego.

Also, why was he being all dramatic about quitting before coming off the bench if he considers himself one of the most passionate cules?

Also, someone should take away social media from Puyol. These guys are slowly descending into madness having too much free time on their hands. Go do full time volunteering at a soup kitchen or something.

He gave up 40m


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Also, someone should take away social media from Puyol. These guys are slowly descending into madness having too much free time on their hands. Go do full time volunteering at a soup kitchen or something.

Well, he gave everything to make Piqu? look good on the pitch, so what's stopping him from making him look good off the pitch...


Senior Member
Money under the table easily
Anyone thinking there isn't any is gullible

Piss off with your 'gullible' stuff
Told you what legally happens.
Don't know what's happening under the table, didn't say things like that ain't happening

El Gato

In fact seen someone post already elsewhere in Discord that there are reports suggesting he's only retiring now because he won't get paid for his role in helping arrange the Supercopa as an active player due to recent changes in Spanish law

Dunno how legit


Senior Member
Thanks for being a part of one of the greatest teams ever, At his best he was straight class, but definitely has his

Now maybe all these barca forum nerds can run to their mom & celebrate.


President of FC Barcelona
He's retiring or leaving a few years too late and is also a snake, but still a Barca legend at the end of the day. Also still a snake though.

Sailor Mars

Well-known member
I don't think Pique was late in leaving the team because the team gave no indication until this season that they were ready to move on from him. Until this season, Pique has been the best or 2nd best CB on the team.

Perhaps if Barca had brought in better CBs before, there wouldn't be all this complaining about how he overstayed and delivered declining performances.


Great news. He was an elite CB for the most part of 2009-2015, but since then he became a clown.

Don't know, I still remember the Club's first season with Valverde, he was rock solid that season, primarily because of the formation and tactics - we played 4-4-2 almost every game that season, but he did his part excellently.


Senior Member
So, he is retiring this weekend.

Thanks for all Gerard. You were a great CB until a few seasons ago. A legend of the club footballing-wise.


President of FC Barcelona
Great news if he's giving up 30m euros as reported, but will wait to see if it is true. In the summer it was said he would lower his salary but then we learned he backed out because Laporta didn't sell a part of Barca Studios to his company Kosmos.

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