Gerard Piqué


Generally Delightful


Improvin' Perfection!!
We should have signed a fucking defender man!!

Pique, when fit, is an absolutely undisputed starter for both the club and country(moreso for them actually, because apparently Masch isn't as much a liability as I first thought he'd be)... so it's a given that he'd end up really tired during the business end of the season. His injuries are really worrying me
I hope we buy Botia in January and we are still in CdR


We should have signed a fucking defender man!!

Pique, when fit, is an absolutely undisputed starter for both the club and country(moreso for them actually, because apparently Masch isn't as much a liability as I first thought he'd be)... so it's a given that he'd end up really tired during the business end of the season. His injuries are really worrying me
I hope we buy Botia in January and we are still in CdR

Pique's injury is down to del basque the idiot otherwise he doesn't really get injured much. he played him 180 minutes in 2 meaningless games, after he'd spent almost a month out of action due to injury, same reason why Pep rested Busquets, vdb is such an idiot at times, Barca gives him such a gift with these players, he sends them back injured and bruised, fat prick. anyways I don't really think we need a cb this season, need to be on the look for someone this summer though.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Pique's injury is down to del basque the idiot otherwise he doesn't really get injured much. he played him 180 minutes in 2 meaningless games, after he'd spent almost a month out of action due to injury, same reason why Pep rested Busquets, vdb is such an idiot at times, Barca gives him such a gift with these players, he sends them back injured and bruised, fat prick. anyways I don't really think we need a cb this season, need to be on the look for someone this summer though.

he hasn't got choice when it comes to Pique man. Spain is lacking CBs presently.
But I think he should have tried some of the new ones


What the fuk, Del Bosque is helping RM in disguise?

He is just using Barca players cuz they are simply better than the madridistas he has at his disposal, but on the forum we like to blame him for lending a hand to RM. With his RM history and all.

Barcafan 2304

New member
You can excuse it for qualifiers but like i say, if he plays them for meaningless friendlies in the middle of a heavy domestic season then that is what presses the buttons. We will see


New member
"So, your saying that is is a staged marketing relationship? Maybe a bit of paranoia there mate."

First, you might like to look up paranoia in the dictionary, since there's no question of my being persecuted at all. Second: where have you been? The showmance is obvious to everybody who isn't either a romance-magazine-reading fangirl or some guy who fantasizes about having Shakira. Piqué hardly even fakes it when he's with her, and the big effort -- at least for the photographers' benefit -- comes from her. Her hysterical behavior in the stands at the Camp Nou, her extravagant shoutouts to him at her performances, etc. are so artificial. His affections are otherwise engaged (as, probably, are hers -- given her "temporary" break from her longtime novio), and it could hardly be more obvious.


New member
Hope to see Pique put in a good shift at CB and really get some uninterrupted minutes this season. He'll be crucial for us later on and we need him up and firing and striding out of CB with those aweomse long balls out to our mids. And a few sneaky striker moves in the opponents box like last season :p :p

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