We should make a swap deal with Real Madrid tbh. They get Pique. We get Varane.

and?We should make a swap deal with Real Madrid tbh. They get Pique. We get Varane.
We should make a swap deal with Real Madrid tbh. They get Pique. We get Varane.
Back to that use of space argument between Meta and J-man, these are specific instructions from Pep. I have seen it one too many times to tell the difference. I don't think Cesc is on par with his team mates, his pass to pass play is underpar but his best passes when compared to others are tremendous, because when they work, he pulls of something difficult. Does he hinder Barcelona's game play? Absolutely. Does he give it an edge? Absolutely.
His assists speak for themselves, no matter what anyone else says about his position on the field. He will struggle for the rest of the season and perhaps next season as well but his horizontal game will improve with time, just not sure how much it would take away with his vertical game.
Your width game depends largely, not on midfield, nor full backs but your right wing forward specifically. Pedro mastered that, Alexis is very good because he runs like a road runner but Pedro mastered it perfectly.
When Barcelona plays a width dependant game it is specific instructions from Pep to open up teams because Messi is able to draw players deep into the field away from their goal area. I wouldn't describe the situation the same way Meta did, because Cesc doesn't necessarily go wide, as in a horizontal distance from the center of the pitch, he stretches the field by opening up an option within given space which could be through a narrow but vertical run. Cuenca plays wide, and the reason no one understands his game is that because he goes way down the line, whereas Pedro stretches the defense further away from the goal, leaving him and his team mates actual space to operate beyond the beaten player should a goal opportunity arise.
Tello is smart, he dribbles the ball into space and uses his pace to catch up with the ball.
Had he said "Cesc's pass to pass is below par compared to his team mates," rightfully mind you, in cesc's thread he'd be dead by now!!what it has to do with Pique though ?
kinda glad this has happened. now maybe people will actually talk about the massive bias that's been on display all season.
ah who am I kidding?
Had he said "Cesc's pass to pass is below par compared to his team mates," rightfully mind you, in cesc's thread he'd be dead by now!!
What bias?
You could not make this stuff up, More hillarious are only the madridistas trying to pretend everybody is treated equally here and their players and coach are innocent victims who would never, ever criticize a ref or a ref decision. Does anybody remember the 13 points that Mou did read in the press conference what mistakes the ref made? I suppose the media impact on that was 2, but hey the impact on the refs was anything but
what it has to do with Pique though ?
Had he said "Cesc's pass to pass is below par compared to his team mates," rightfully mind you, in cesc's thread he'd be dead by now!!