Gerard Piqué


New member
If your man from 3 feet away from you deflected the ball enough to make it high enough for you to not reach it, would be your fault?

I'm just saying it's more Abidal's than Pique's fault....

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
If your man from 3 feet away from you deflected the ball enough to make it high enough for you to not reach it, would be your fault?

I'm just saying it's more Abidal's than Pique's fault....

Pique's biggest problem is the same thing that caused him to score that own goal, he has to do too much.


It was Pique being poor that allowed the striker in behind. If it wasn't for a great save from Victor there wouldn't have been a corner. Quite simply the marking was ridiculous on the corner, Puyol had 2 men whilst half our team was at the front post. Not good.

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Quite simply the marking was ridiculous on the corner, Puyol had 2 men whilst half our team was at the front post. Not good.

Check the 1:43 mark.

Nunes originally was marked by Abidal, but Abidal unfortunately fell asleep and stood there like a statue. Chryg also didnt look too awesome when he went up to head the ball away but missed it, b/c he could have still saved the ball if he kept his original position. Its by far the lesser mistake ofc, but when you leave your position and approach the ball, you better get it headed away. Puyol was just the poor dog left with 2 attackers in a bad situation where you always look unfortunate, but he couldnt do much here. Sticking to his man and the far post was imo actually the right thing in general, in order to clear deflections etc.


If Carlsberg did forum members
Can we really blame Pique when he's playing with Chyg and Abidal ? It only could have been worse if Oleguer was at right back !



Check the 1:43 mark.

Nunes originally was marked by Abidal, but Abidal unfortunately fell asleep and stood there like a statue. Chryg also didnt look too awesome when he went up to head the ball away but missed it, b/c he could have still saved the ball if he kept his original position. Its by far the lesser mistake ofc, but when you leave your position and approach the ball, you better get it headed away. Puyol was just the poor dog left with 2 attackers in a bad situation where you always look unfortunate, but he couldnt do much here. Sticking to his man and the far post was imo actually the right thing in general, in order to clear deflections etc.

Interesting to watch it again. I think Pique can be blamed for the attack leading to the corner. His header at the near post wasn't good, but definitely Abidal was pathetic there. He didn't even move until the ball was in the net. Better communication between Chyg and Pique would have had Pique leaving that ball for Chyg. If you watch it, see how many players get sucked in towards the ball. That's how we we end up so light at the far post. Pretty stupid seen as they had 1 guy at the near post and 3 at the far.


He's great and all but man this guy is heavy footed, and when he's out of form it really works against him.


immaculately conceived
The real Pique needs to play with real defenders, not assclowns.
did you even watch the game?? Marquez was still in Barcelona with the flu.


It's not that he was flawless with Puyol next to him. He is just having a less good period and I'm asking the old one back.

However; one general comment:
It wll never be good enough cause we won't have a year like last year again.

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