Gerard Piqué


New member

Mascherano you suck! Oh my god can you imagine what will happen if he does that versus Ronaldo? (Am I doing this right?)

Man, what the hell were you thinking, posting a positive moment of Pique's performance? Geez, some people are just clueless.



The Culest
Man, what the hell were you thinking, posting a positive moment of Pique's performance? Geez, some people are just clueless.


For his every good tackle i could show you two blunders. You look at the performance of a player over many matches and Pique has not been at Barca level for 2 years now and its getting on peoples nerves


Senior Member




You call that good? No wonder Barca has a bad defence when expectations are so low

explain to me in tactical detail how 2,3 and 4 are examples of bad defending?.


The Culest
so you can't, you just see attacker beating defender and automatically think, poor defending.

Yes attackers beat defenders but Pique gets beat way too easily.

2- Falls down and loses the challenge too easily. Enabling the assist.
3- His running back direction is wrong. Needs to be chest facing the player which enables Marin to easily get a shot away
4-He doesnt even try or is too slow to stop the cross


Active member
He is too slow, too slow to run, too slow to turn and too slow to jump. It's funny for some people saying that we may be vulnerable without him in the air in the same moment that we already vulnerable and with him or not it doesn't make any difference. It's actually annoying that some people are using some cheap excuses and most of the times one single performance for him to look good generally, and by they way to show that they are true fans that are not hating their players and all that stuff...


New member
To be fair, in example 3, he was inviting him to cut inside, which was the right thing to do because he had support on that side. The only problem with the defending is the fact that he's so slow. Not necessarily a big problem but not only is he slow when sprinting, he's also incredibly slow when it comes to adjusting his feet and body position. Which allows players to get past him with ease.

I'm not one of the Pique bashers though.


New member
Pique hasn't been very good in the last few years (except for a part of the 12-13 season, he was brilliant for a while when he first came back from that long foot injury), but he gets even more shit than he deserves.


1) he's married to a celebrity
2) he does modeling on the side

both of which make him an incredibly easy (and cheap) target,

but most importantly:

3) he's a centre-back... and no matter how funny it might sound to some, him (or any other CB) making a blunder in defense is exactly the same as Alexis, Pedro, Neymar, Messi or whoever else not converting a fair chance, or anything of that sort. If you're a centre-back and you make a mistake and the team concedes, you're a thousand times more criticized than if you're a forward and you don't score. Whereas, in reality, in both cases you're just doing or failing to do your primary job.

Hating on Pique, however understandable it is in some situations and to some extent, is just popular.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
That's the life of a defender, they get zero credit. If they boss someone out the match for 95% and get skipped past on one occasion that leads to a goal, major bashing. Disregarding all the good things done. Too bad

But in Pique's case, it happens far too often & he just looks plain bad these days


The Culest
Pique hasn't been very good in the last few years (except for a part of the 12-13 season, he was brilliant for a while when he first came back from that long foot injury), but he gets even more shit than he deserves.


1) he's married to a celebrity
2) he does modeling on the side

both of which make him an incredibly easy (and cheap) target,

but most importantly:

3) he's a centre-back... and no matter how funny it might sound to some, him (or any other CB) making a blunder in defense is exactly the same as Alexis, Pedro, Neymar, Messi or whoever else not converting a fair chance, or anything of that sort. If you're a centre-back and you make a mistake and the team concedes, you're a thousand times more criticized than if you're a forward and you don't score. Whereas, in reality, in both cases you're just doing or failing to do your primary job.

Hating on Pique, however understandable it is in some situations and to some extent, is just popular.

You forgot the countless bashing's others given to Alexis and Cesc? I'd say Alexis bashing was equally if not more popular than Pique bashing when he was bad. Even you joined in the act on many occasions.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Stric.... I call bullshit. I don't give two $hits that he's dating Shakira or models on the side (that means nothing.) Bottom line is he plays like crap. CBs like Silva, Puyol are known to have a blunder or two but they have a tendency to bounce back after a bad game or two - they also have a general fierceness about them that commands respect. Pique has none of that and has been consistently bad for too long to just pass off as one-off bad games.


Senior Member
2: he slipped
3: the attacker went on his weaker side(his left) and took a first time shot, something that happens everyday in football. their is such a thing as good attacking play
4: the last thing you want to do then is go to feel and try to stop the defender are clear the ball, which is the only way he could have defended that situation.

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