he was not as bas as people are making it out to be he slipped once in the box for the sevilla goal I think, but he was pretty solid especially in the first half, I guess no one should slip once the play for the mighty FC Barcelona.
And that was because he was running back since it was a Sevilla counter attack. You can't see it clearly in the gif but he doesn't have the attacker in front of him so he has to stop him while looking at the goal himself, he turns around and slips.
Besides the second gif there aren't really any fuck ups either.. I hope people realize sometimes attackers are able to do something good as well. The last one is a joke.. he makes a good tackle and you complain about his pace

what do you expect? That Piqué will get Neymar's speed overnight? You can't train speed. Let's complain about it every game shall we?
Anybody watched the mighty Sergio Ramos play last night? Let's make some gifs of everytime an attacker gets a cross in or shots on goal... Haha so sad.
Was Piqué tremendouds? No. Was he poor? No. So annoying whatever the guy does there's always someone who goes bonkers.
If I could make gifs I could've selected 5 moments like that from Mascherano as well.. someone who played magically according to most of you. Hell, you can make such a compilation of every game a defender plays unless he plays like a wall but how often does that happen? Maybe once every season.