Gerard Piqué


New member
Tata had him as a striker for the last 10 mins with song in cb and messi in midfield, weird tactics Bartra would've been a much better candidate for that sort of thing if you ask me.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He was great today. First time I've seen Piqué trying to lead the team. Hopefully he can continue like this.

Exactly! It was great to see him shouting orders and trying to lift the team spirit... And he played well, like he has this whole season... I'm glad he did, I was very critic of him last season, but he has bounced back and owned up his mistakes...

Hope he keeps growing as a leader...


New member
Exactly! It was great to see him shouting orders and trying to lift the team spirit... And he played well, like he has this whole season... I'm glad he did, I was very critic of him last season, but he has bounced back and owned up his mistakes...

Hope he keeps growing as a leader...

Yes, was glad to see him encouraging and shouting orders. Played very well. Very important player for Barca.


Bomb Dropper




New member
Every time he plays he reminds me that he's slower than a turtle. Ok game but I hope he gets better when fully fit or otherwise we better buy 2 CB's. Hummels is 20 times better tbh.
Some propaganda you got running here. Who are you to tell us what to do? "Mascherano's not really a cb so it's ok if he makes bigger mistakes than Bartra"-eye-switcher. lolololol :lol:

Propaganda lol yeah right, the game against Atletico Madrid should have opened your Eyes if you are not fantasticly biased. Masch was our best player by far, the anticipation, the tackles, thank god we played him instead of Batra.

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