Gerard Piqué


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He wasn't thaaaat bad... Except for the one where Muniain skinned him, even though you could see that was going to happen from a million miles away...

Not blaming him, though, that was a hard play to defend...


New member
He got dribbled and tunnelled several times and was bailed out by Mathieu/Rakitic/Montoya... if this was a solid or even great game from him then Bagnack is better


New member
He got dribbled and tunnelled several times and was bailed out by Mathieu/Rakitic/Montoya... if this was a solid or even great game from him then Bagnack is better

What the hell were you watching...apart from Muniain's run(though he cleared the ball in the end) he had solid game.


New member
It's funny the hate for him. But I watched him very closely and saw some weaknesses but overall didn't do anything to hurt us.

I really dislike his header clearances he tries to head it as hard as possible when there is simple passes to his teammates.

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