Gerard Piqué


New member they have a boy and they named him Sasha ?

in Balkan countries, Sasha ( Saša) is male name :p
it is short from Aleksandar ( Aleksander, Alex )


New member
It's all relative, why is this even an argument?

Also I do think the full Alexander is better. But Sasha is fine, too (would be better as a nickname, IMO).


Chief Of Footballing Matters
It's all relative, why is this even an argument?

Also I do think the full Alexander is better. But Sasha is fine, too (would be better as a nickname, IMO).

Tells people to stop arguing. Then joins in :troll:

Seriously though, no one is really arguing about this.


The Pale One
The English language has the worst gender understanding (wtf you call it) when it comes to names. Seriously being able to absorb both my backgrounds, i can say i've met so many Americans boys and girls with the same damn name. Boys named Dana, girls named Billy, boys named Ashley, girls named Alexis, boys named Stacey and it goes on forever... Stop it. It's terrible lol. In Latin Countries if I named my daughter Carlos, and my son Ana i'd never hear the end of it.

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