Gerard Piqué


New member

That's all nice but I don't see the point in such comparisons. Douglas has won a treble (or maybe a double, since he didn't play CL games) in his first year here, but that says absolutely nothing about him.


Professor Balthazar
That's all nice but I don't see the point in such comparisons. Douglas has won a treble (or maybe a double, since he didn't play CL games) in his first year here, but that says absolutely nothing about him.

It does say loads about Douglas, he like hasn't played a single Liga or CL game. Pique has played them all (except for when injured).


Previously known as Mehssi
That's all nice but I don't see the point in such comparisons. Douglas has won a treble (or maybe a double, since he didn't play CL games) in his first year here, but that says absolutely nothing about him.

That's such a poor argument mate, we all know Piqué was an active participant in all the trophies he's won, no need to lowball his achievements comparing him to Douglas.


New member
Maybe I should have worded that differently. What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't necessarily make sense to judge a player by the number of trophies his club won during his time there. Those trophies are not necessarily a reflection of the quality of that particular player, which is why I gave the example of Douglas. Of course, Pique is a world-class defender and in his case those stats do have some weight to them. But it also works the other way around. The fact that Maldini's club won much fewer trophies during his time there doesn't mean he's less of a defender than Pique. But I feel that this kind of comparison actually does imply that to some extent, which is why I don't see the point in them. They give out the wrong impression, even if that wasn't the intention. Or maybe it's just me.

That's such a poor argument mate, we all know Piqué was an active participant in all the trophies he's won, no need to lowball his achievements comparing him to Douglas.

I see now it came out wrong, my bad. It wasn't a dig at Pique, I was just referring to those comparisons in general.
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New member
Pique is one of the best centre backs of the modern era, if not the best of them. Especially in his clean tackling and positional play.

There's nothing wrong in the trophy comparison, especially when he has been an important reason behind all the trophies.


New member
Maldini over Pique any day of the week. He was a world class left back too and could comfortably get himself out of trouble with his tremendous pace.

El Flaco

Active member
Piqué gave away possession vs. Bilbao


Alternative Angle



Active member
Malaga is hard to crack, not defend against. Would have been horror to lose him against atletico.

Could even say he went for it:)


Senior Member
Serious error. Luckily it didin't cost a goal or worse, losing yet more points to our next copa rivals... I first thought it's highly likely to concede from this, thanks God we were lucky, everything could have gone totally diffrent from there.

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