Poor Pique thought Neymar was actually being unsure and influenced by his father when in reality he is just waiting to pick up his "loyalty" bonus.
You are a good man Gerard.
Bhaahaha he needs some courses in contract law.
What a joke our board is why would you have a 3-4 year loyalty bonus in the summer when transfers can happen. They should be given after transfer season closes not before. Part of me thinks Ney's dad has been working on this deal for a while now knowing he can get the $25 mill from us then next day have a P$G signing bonus for $40 mill. What a time to be alive in Ney's house and entourage.
Just seen one of the clowns on ESPN saying that Barca needs to replace Pique in the wake of Neymar's departure...
Just seen one of the clowns on ESPN saying that Barca needs to replace Pique in the wake of Neymar's departure...