Gerard Piqué


New member
Stop talking nonsense you dumb drama queen and concentrate on your games

:lol: :lol: :lol:

this is amazing, nevermind that he said this before the match, nevermind that this had nothing to do with the game tonight. its just how the fans perception of you can change so quickly


New member
It's baffling how a player can start the match so strong, Only to disintegrate this much as time passed by, It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
It all started with a laughable, School boy yellow, Evolving into a blunder, And refined by school boy defending. Propably because he was scared shitless to get another yellow, Which made that first yellow even more ridiculous.
Yes, He was exposed and without any back-up from vidal, But man........


Senior Member
He was shit but like I said in the Vidal thread.

Vidal left him for dead so many times today and left Pique alone trying to guard the RF.

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