Gerard Piqué


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
I never said it's justifiable, learn to read.

is it good he spat on this guy? of course not. as I've said over and over. it's not a nice thing to do. but is it the end of the world? not even close. it's a bit of spit. it'll wash right out. he's not hurt anybody (nice daily mail-esque tactics comparing it to gerrard glassing a DJ, btw) he's not broken any laws, he's just done something a bit distasteful is all.

he's a rowdy fratboy, he's gonna do rowdy things, get used to it.

don't like it? don't support him then. but stop coming in here with your righteous indignation and start acting all high and mighty.

Let me get this straight. Are you saying we shouldn't condemn Pique because something like this is to be expected from Pique?
In that case, you WOULD be justifying what he did. Which according to you, you're not.
You said you weren't justifying what Pique did, yet your first reaction to us condemning what Pique did was to say we were overreacting.


oh god the overreaction in here is phenomenal.

keep up the good work, piquechu!

If that was to the people that were calling Pique a scum, then fine. For your record I wasn't the one calling him a scum. But you shouldn't have a problem with us saying what he did was wrong, right?

Basically I think what you're trying to say is that we should get used to Pique doing things like this. You're right. I like him, but that doesn't mean I should blindly defend him when he does something he should be condemned for. Because not only is he representing himself but he is also representing Barcelona and Catalunya.


sometimes i wonder whether some of you guys just argue to prove your points or just for the sake to argue?

listen, NOT everyone can be quiet like iniesta and keita. it's just not possible within the human race. we're all unique and that's why we are so wonderful. as much as i love the personality iniesta has, i love the personality that piqué or zlatan has. you need both to complete a football team otherwise our dressing room would be more quiet than a graveyard.

bottom line is, you can't CHANGE the way piqué acts because it's his personality. he's never gonna change. yes you can tell him that, hey, this what you did was wrong and can give you a douchy image among the crowds, please dont do it again. but seriously to call him a SCUM based on one incident?


immaculately conceived
If you graffitied on a wall when you're sober, then you should get punished for graffiting on a wall. If you graffiti on a wall when you're drunk, you still should get punished for graffiting on a wall.
That is certainly not always the case, maz.

If the intoxication was beyond his own will for instance, it's a valid ground of excuse. So if someone made him drunk, or giving him alcohol, without him ordering that drink, he can be excused for his behaviour.

So I had to check the video again and of course:

Who else could have been the root of all evil than Busquets himself? :lol::lol:


Bomb Dropper
rivaldo, I can explain something without justifying it. you people could really do with learning the difference between an explanation and a justification, because I shouldn't have to constantly declare "I AM JUST EXPLAINING SOMETHING! I DO NOT NECESSARILY AGREE! I AM JUST EXPLAINING SOMETHING!" to avoid getting torrents of backlash from people who can't be bothered to read properly.

I don't agree with what he did, but that doesn't mean I think it's some heinous act.

there's so much overreaction in here. what you all need to do is have a big collective unbunching of your panties, and then maybe you'll be able to focus enough to see that this really is no big deal at all.


Who else could have been the root of all evil than Busquets himself? :lol::lol:

atta boy, sergi!



Just trawled back a few pages to see what all the fuss is about. OMG some of you are so high and righteous. I thought he'd spat in some old man's face for a second the way people were talking. He can barely stand up he's so battered, he's like one of your mates on a night out where they've clearly had too much, but you just enjoy the comedy until the inevitable chundering later on. Whilst being wrong there's still some drunken humour in it. Hardly makes him Raoul Moat, calm down people.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
atta boy said:[[/IMG]



and a big LOL at this whole thread

i would be naked if i won the world cup.. for 4 years straight


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
I'm sure that all of the people condemning Pique for what he did (for the record, if one of my boys did that to me, I'd bitch slap them, but whatevs) have never done anything stupid when they were drunk. Ever.


New member
:lol: wow this thread

tbh it was childish and wrong but you people are really overreacting. If Pique was sober and did that then it would be a lot worse, but I'm sure the context of the situation, the guy that got spit on isn't holding any grudges against him. I've fought with one of my good friends while severely intoxicated, I said and did some shit that if I had been sober she would have told me to fuck off and I would have never seen her again, but since I was drunk she forgave me and we're still friends. What I did was still wrong but it didn't make me an asshole because I don't normally act like that.

At the most he should have probably been given a talking to when he sobered up because I'm sure he's not aware of what he did, but it doesn't automatically make him scum, now if he did stuff like that on a regular basis it might be a different story but it was one incident and they had just won the World Cup. Give it a rest.


New member
look im not saying that they are totally not accountable for their actions. im just saying take it into consideration before you judge them. they do it in court, why cant you?. and just because its legal to beat their ass doesnt mean you have? i get the feeling that you are the self-righteous type. im not trying to offend you, its just how im understanding your responses.

how could i be offended by someone who said they wouldnt do anything if someone spat on their mother you are either a liar or a coward your opinion of me means as much to me as a bit of dirt on the street


New member
i dont drink so i dont know how it feels like.
nearly all my friends drink and i dont particularly enjoy when they act rowdy.
its a normal thing to see them acting foolish, however you dont spit at someone/anyone.
especially not to a man who can be your father or even a grandpa. that's just plain disrespectful

yes he was drunk but he shouldnt get a free pass because he won the WC like what valon suggested.
just because you win a WC doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.
hopefully pique apologizes to the poor old man

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