Gerard Piqué


New member
i dont drink so i dont know how it feels like.
nearly all my friends drink and i dont particularly enjoy when they act rowdy.
its a normal thing to see them acting foolish, however you dont spit at someone/anyone.
especially not to a man who can be your father or even a grandpa. that's just plain disrespectful

yes he was drunk but he shouldnt get a free pass because he won the WC like what valon suggested.
just because you win a WC doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.
hopefully pique apologizes to the poor old man

well let me tell you ive never got drunk and spat on anyone and neither has anyone i know

infact me peronally every bad thing i ever did to anyone i was stone cold sober im a very friendly drunk people tell me im too friendly when im drunk actually :D

Super Pippo

I'm sure that all of the people condemning Pique for what he did (for the record, if one of my boys did that to me, I'd bitch slap them, but whatevs) have never done anything stupid when they were drunk. Ever.
Well yeah, thats why I didn't condemn him, I don't imagine there are too many here that have not got wasted at some point and done bad things.

That said, I have never spat on anyone when am drunk, so that makes me think he must just be a bit of a dick.


New member
I've never spat on anyone but I have slapped someone across the face which is probably worse, basically she had cracked a bit of a distasteful joke which in my drunken state I thought was serious and I went off the rail. Felt like shit afterwards though and of course apologized. It was weird because normally all I do when I'm drunk is get louder and more outgoing and then of course the physical symptoms, but that one time I appalled even myself, I'm not a violent or disrespectful person at all, I couldn't even drink for the next couple months after that incident. :(

My point is I guess I can relate a bit, even though it was still douchey and wrong it doesn't automatically make him scum or a bad person. If he makes a regular outing of getting drunk and disrespecting people, then maybe you can make an argument. But one incident does not condemn him imo.


how could i be offended by someone who said they wouldnt do anything if someone spat on their mother you are either a liar or a coward your opinion of me means as much to me as a bit of dirt on the street
wow. what did i say. do you even remember? i said i didnt know what i would do, im pretty sure i would show forgiveness if they were too wasted. and then you expressed all your self-righteous rhetoric about how you would beat their ass. look, person, i dont know if you are on your period or just being you, but self-righteousness is not something to aspire to. sometimes its better to forgive. one more thing, anybody can beat up a drunk, so the coward thing doesnt even make sense to me. try and be a bit more humble in instead of being combative all the time.


New member
I've never spat on anyone but I have slapped someone across the face which is probably worse,

i would rather be punched than spat on to be honest i dont want peoples diseases...i can still respect someone who hits me in certain situations i cant respect someone who spits on me no matter their motivation...

wow. what did i say. do you even remember? i said i didnt know what i would do, im pretty sure i would show forgiveness if they were too wasted. and then you expressed all your self-righteous rhetoric about how you would beat their ass. look, person, i dont know if you are on your period or just being you, but self-righteousness is not something to aspire to. sometimes its better to forgive. one more thing, anybody can beat up a drunk, so the coward thing doesnt even make sense to me. try and be a bit more humble in instead of being combative all the time.

you seem pretty self rightcheous to me to be honest...of course it applies what you gonna do be like "oh you spat on my mother but i forgive you because youre drunk" thats a coward in my book too afraid to confront the person who assaulted their mother

are you male or female because ive just assumed you are male if youre a female then i can more understand you wanting to avoid a physical confrontation


i would rather be punched than spat on to be honest i dont want peoples diseases...i can still respect someone who hits me in certain situations i cant respect someone who spits on me no matter their motivation...

you seem pretty self rightcheous to me to be honest...of course it applies what you gonna do be like "oh you spat on my mother but i forgive you because youre drunk" thats a coward in my book too afraid to confront the person who assaulted their mother

are you male or female because ive just assumed you are male if youre a female then i can more understand you wanting to avoid a physical confrontation
so in your book forgiveness equals cowardliness. i dont see any point discussing this any further.


New member
tbh no matter how much you say you're going to "be the better person" and forgive, in the heat of the moment if something like that actually happened I'm sure most of you preachers would be singing a different tune.

But regardless, our personal choices are irrelevant to this particular situation.

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