Gerardo "Tata" Martino


New member
Catalan media never learns. Do they? Apparently in the press conference again Tata Martino was compared with Guardiola's Barca and he did not took it lightly this time.



Martino: “We can only be optimistic about the future”

Jordi Clos
10/31/2013 19:15

The manager admits that the team can improve, but he's pleased with how the team has performed so far this season


Gerardo Martino comes into his first derby with a record of 10 wins and 1 draw from the first 11 rounds of La Liga. “I know we can do better and we have an important margin of improvement, but seeing the results we’ve secured in these three months, we can only be optimistic about the future,” said the Argentine manager.

When asked about his first Barça-Espanyol, he said that it’s “an important match because we have to do things well” and that he expects a “combative and dangerous” Espanyol side.


During the press conference the questions revolved around Barça’s current form in relation to the glorious form from seasons past. Martino was clear: “I hope we can find our best form soon, but we shouldn’t always compare ourselves to past Barça teams.” However, the Barça manager said the he’s not bothered by the comparisons: “As the manager I would like to get closer to the form Barça had two years ago, that was the best team in the history of the sport. There isn’t a best team in the history of football every year.”

He then went on to talk about the team’s current form: “At the beginning we had dips in form but now we are more consistent. We could still do better with controlling matches, however.” He added: “It doesn’t suit us to have a feeling of not being in control, because our players are very decisive. The ideal is that our rivals feel as though they don’t have control.”

Sure of Messi

Tata Martino also talked about Leo Messi’s form and the fact that he hasn’t scored in three consecutive league games. “He’s very strong mentally. I have no worries whatsoever when it comes to him, the only thing we want is for him be match fit,” he said. Martino continued: “Messi has gotten us used to him scoring three goals per game and anytime he doesn’t we think something is wrong. He can play well and not score, like what happened in Vigo.”


@barcastuff 44 min
Martino: "We were patient, although the ball circulation was a bit slow in the first half. In the second half we were more intense"

Martino: "If some people had doubts about Alexis' scoring, I think they won't have them anymore after the last games."

Martino: "Worst home game of the season? With the game against Atletico, probably. It's not easy against teams who defend that well."

Martino: "Messi is the most important player in a team with many great players. He's not worried about not scoring, he was close few times."

Martino: "Results are almost perfect, we've improved in defense. We should continue to grow, I'm sure we'll see a better Barça later."

Martino: "Game not yet excellent, but main thing is to keep on winning, which we're doing using Barça style and being better than opponent."

Martino: "We're playing that often, that the team is solving a 'crisis' every 3-4 days. We have 9 points in 6 days, winning two classics."

Martino: "Watching Atletico and Madrid? When we win, I don't watch the opponents' games. I'll watch Betis, and maybe Milan."

Martino: "Messi thinking about World Cup? Don't think so. If we're lucky to play it, he'll start with that after the CL final."


Staff member
Cheers Flavia

Tata sugarcoats a bit but still you get the sense he's being more honest than pep in his press conferences.


New member
Not happy with Gerardo Martino. I'm a season long thinker. 11 out of 12 La Liga wins is good however Pique, Xavi, Alves, Busquets and Messi (would be on this list if he had not got injured) Are players who have been over-used so far this season. Sergi Roberto, Tello, Song and Montoya have been under-played. I'm certain that Roberto's or tello's energy could have been used instead to get victory vs Espanyol. We want Barca to have a fair go in the Champions League Knockout stage 2014 and not a Fatigued side like last year. Martino has done sort of better than Tito and Raura last year however a more even spread of player usage is needed.


Mike the Knife
Yeah, Tata does sound honest although that may not be the case with Messi...and it may just be a question of time...Perhaps by midseason the team, especially the midfielders, will have grasped Tata's tactics and we'll see a formidable Barcelona...Right now, they're getting results but are far from imperious much less particularly entertaining...Has to be the most boring stretch of play from the team since Spring of last season

The Observer

New member
I like this coach very much.

Our defense looks stable again. We have conceded less goals than we did in 2010/2011 at the same stage of the season. Without Abidal and without Puyol as well. Statistics aside even optically we don't look as open at the back anymore and we always have enough bodies at the back to prevent counterattacks and 1on1s. In his first few games it was still a bit like last season, especially set piece goals, but he looks to have fixed it now.

The things he says are very good. Even when winning he says that there will be further improvements and that we can do better and haven't hit form. I remember Tito last season after the first Bayern game saying that they weren't the better team or something of that sort and that we will restore some pride in the second leg - and then we got dicked again.

He doesn't use Pedro in every game and certainly not Iniesta and Pedro on the wings at the same time which made us extremely Messi-dependant for goals. Alexis and Neymar are contributing heavily (unfair to Tito I guess, he didn't have Neymar).

Adriano not as fragile. Still fragile but not THAT fragile. Don't know if it's because of the new physio but I'll attribute it to him anyway because it's happened under his tenure.

Variaty in playing style. We have already scored as many counterattacking goals in 11 games as we did in the whole last season according to OPTA. As many as Dortmund in fact! Will be very useful later in the season when we face Bayern again (which we will) and Pep trying to play possession + high line against us. Under Pep Bayern haven't scored a single counterattacking goal so far. He is making them more 1-dimensional and defensively more fragile without the double pivot. If we arrive in top form (and there is definitely still room for improvement, especially Messi and Iniesta), we will get our revenge very soon. :barca scarf:

Bartra is now officially part of the centerback rotation. You could say that it was lucky circumstances because Busquets injured Mascherano but last season we had even more injuries and the pecking order was still like this: Pique -> Mascherano -> Puyol with injured knee -> Song -> Adriano -> 3-4-3 -> Bartra.

Won a Clasico that mattered.

1 of only 3 unbeaten teams in Europe up to date.

Rotation policy.

So far: well done, Tata.

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