Dr. Raed St. Claire
Aguero has always been wasteful. He was "bottling" it for city even when he started ahead of Gonzo against switzerland. An important criteria to start for NT, requires you to be featuring regularly and performing at club level. And Aguero's city status, and his last performance (which facilitated messi's hatrick) could mean Gonzo might 've become a sec choice. The bench sessions will not help gonzo's NT case at all. And like you both, i want him to keep his starting place for the Argies, but i fear that may not happen going by the proceedings of the prev game.
Just because he has less starts, does not mean he is losing his place in the Argentinian national team, it means he is competing at a high level. Also, Higuain's CL performance leaves a lot to be desired, so while you have the number one Higuain fan here, he still has a lot to prove. So if he loses it to Aguero it is because he does have his short comings. Just because Higuain moves away somewhere else does not mean Aguero won't play less either, so with Madrid he has another shot at the CL next year, with the best manager in the world (behind Jupp Heynckes and John Terry

Plus, it won't take too long before Aguero scores a goal or two and play like a bellend the next game without anything to prove, so Higuain will get his position back right away.
If that is the case and Argentina are still as shit as they are, then they have major problems.
Where have you been the last two years? Who said otherwise? LOL!