Gonzalo Higuain

God Serena

New member
Argentina would have 3 trophies in 3 years if Higuain could put a shot on target when 1on1 with the keeper. Whether people upset with him are Messi fanboys or not, that's fucking disgraceful.

He couldn't even force the keeper to make a save.


Active member
Hilarious response from Napoli president about Higuain's earlier words. Napoli should be happy they robbed Juve. I promise you he'll will choke again when it matters next season in CL.


Senior Member
I use to love higs, even when he played for real, but if u look at his record for Madrid, Napoli and Argentina, the man is a choker, when it really matters more often times than not. As such that kinda money is crazy for him.
Would be hilarious if Higuain scores the winner in the CL final. The circle jerk would turn on Messi in that scenario.

Ronaldo won with Eder, Messi choked with Higuain.

RMU ReBorn

New member
He is a quality player. Amazing finisher who regularly got above 20 goals in liga even when he shared minutes with benzema. Now he just made history with most goals in a serie a season ever. he missed chances in the finals for Argentina and people blame him for messi not winning a trophy, but the whole team was below par in those finals and lost on the day to better teams. Everyone puts it on higuain but what about the other attackers in those finals who didn't show up?

In fact messi himself was below his level in the finals, and is partly to blame for Argentina not winning them. He missed a penalty in the recent final but you won't find anyone calling him a choker and it's everyone else's fault as well as the illuminati, the sun, moon etc.

the fee seems crazy but when you take into account the current market, the fact he transferred from one title challenger to another, the fact Napoli know Juve have the Pogba money and the amazing season he just had, it is understandable
Messi was Argentina's best player in All three Final's . No player has 100% record on Pen's . Any one can miss that . Not the case with one on one with Gk , that to twice in a row and a Easy tap in had his lazy ass moved a bit faster . shall i post the highlights of Copa Final , were Messi was the only Argentine player who was creating anything ?

RMU ReBorn

New member
Yes and scored before finals without problems, so it has nothing to do with his ability to finish. Look at the video posted earlier here about his goals in Serie A, they are not easy tap ins, many are scored from tight angles and after great movement. He has similar issue as Suarez to some extent, they can score an impossible goal every game, but if its very simple one on one in a very important game, they just overthink it.
Majority of this forum has 2 reasons why they cannot be objective at all about Higuain: 1) they are Messi fanboys who blame him for the chokes in finals (well its actually entire team to blame, not Higuain, its not like Messi has shined in those finals either) 2) He has Real Madrid backround (which is reasonable reason, but still not enough to be blind about someones capability).
Higuain was by far the best goalscorer in Serie A last season, with this purchase did they not only make themselves so much better vs competition in local league (similar behaviour like Bayern is doing in Germany), but also weakened their main rival.
Great purchase and if they can afford it, why da hell not.

Which Final did Suarez , chocked ? :lol: which was the big game were Suarez lacked Clarity of thought ? Copa America Final (2011) , Ucl final ? Ucl Qf and Pq vs City and Psg ? .. which was that chock of highest order that you are talking about ?


Improvin' Perfection!!
Suarez is indeed a choker.... It is his innate choking nature that drove him to hand the ball in the world cup or bite the skin out of defenders, definitely a choker! He does not try to do anything that he possibly can to win, he just chokes and does all these criminal acts!!

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