Hans-Dieter Flick

Hansi Flick - how do we rate him?

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Senior Member
Aye but lads whats the 'average points'?

Can we still say Barca are worse under Flick than Xavis worst season?

Probably. 2.12 ppg if we beat Rayo. Xavi was 2.24 last season. Flick has to get to 86 points to beat Xavi's worst season in the league. This means 12 wins, 2 draws, and 1 loss in the last 15 games or better.


Senior Member
Would be kinda funny if he won la Liga on a worse or exact points per game as last season.

But numbers don't lie, as much as Joan wants them to lol (kidding).


Senior Member
If we want to go down the mathematical fact route, here's some facts:

1/4 big trophies (la liga / UCL) edit: I'm not including league/ucl in the half season Xavi joined.
0/2 europa league
0/3 copa del rey
1/3 super copa

Flick so far matching the super copa record. Needs 1 big trophy in the next 2 seasons to be as successful as Xavi.


Senior Member
PPG for Barca does not take into account points Barca have stopped Real picking up.

As said before these games can allow for 12 point swings between Barca and Real and if Barca win this season will need to get better of them in way Xavi couldnt last season.

Barca were on a run of historically bad results v them in Xavis last season and game season before.

Can pick out the folk a mile away who think it makes Xavis side better and they came calling.


Senior Member
If we want to go down the mathematical fact route, here's some facts:

1/4 big trophies (la liga / UCL) edit: I'm not including league/ucl in the half season Xavi joined.
0/2 europa league
0/4 copa del rey
1/3 super copa

Flick so far matching the super copa record. Needs 1 big trophy in the next 2 seasons to be as successful as Xavi.

This is also a fact

FACTS and MATH are always fun.

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